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Aug 2016

The temp in the chamber can usually be regulated by the temp the the heated bed. If you want to have more control it’s very easy to add an exhaust fan but I would hook it up to a temperature controlled switch(the kind used for green houses) for $20-30. You set the temp and it will turn on when above and shut off when below.


I wouldn’t use an exhaust with ABS, and for PLA I would print with it off.

Where is your box from and what size is it please? I have been wondering how to create something like this for a nominal cost to hopefully help with ABS warping. I have seen many guides and ideas to cheaply make front doors etc but nothing for the top.

I like the Idea of the box everyone is talking about on here! but for what it is worth, the Qidi Printer’s top acrylic cover kit will fit perfect… They were about 20 bucks each, but I think they finally raised the price a little lol…also instead of mounting with screws on the side panels, I glued on magnets and this works well.

16 days later

What is the point of the box? Is there any pro’s? I’m new to the 3d printing scene and considering buying one of these machines.

if you want to print abs which is the most common plastic that we use today so to print it you need high temperature

or your work pace wan’t stick