Hi people of 3D HUBS,
So i currently have a Makerbot Replicator 1 - Dual clone (CTC Branded) 3D printer which is running Sailfish v7.5. I’ve been considering building a CNC Milling machine from scratch and then realised my 3D printer isnt too far off. I decided to add some CAM toolpaths to a part in AutoDesk Inventor HSM 2017 and post process the toolpaths (the file was a .nc however it seemed to be only gcode). I loaded this into ReplicatorG 0040r30 - Sailfish and tested it however there were a bunch of errors. I understand the physical changes needed to change the printer into a CNC mill, however im struggling with software. Has anyone done this or has seen it done and can give me had or send me in the right direction ie link? Is there software i can flash my printer with so it can read .nc files and mill or any better ideas?
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Jul '16last reply
Jul '16- 5
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