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Mar 2017

I am wondering if i can update my firmware by soldering a arduino mega chip thats been flash

with 7.7 with out bricking my printer has anyone tryed this

the button on the back of the printer is not doing anything so will not update

It’s all about timing, pushing reset button and clicking on go at the same time or was it 1 just before the other, can’t remember, having a senior moment

Chip on an arduino is a atmega 2560 chip on ctc is a atmega 1280 dont know if it would work.

Dont think you can get sailfish to upload to the arduino 2560?

If im wrong can someone correct me and tell me how to do it?

Some of the flashforges are 2560 chip boards and they can run sailfish.

they use there own board and not an arduino 2560 + ramps. I dont think he would have been able to upload sailfish to arduino 2560 to remove the chip

It would be possible. Atmega 2560 is pin compatible with 1280 and there is a sailfish build target for atmega 2560 already.

I still think its a very silly idea though. Rework of SMD like this isn’t easy. Flashing firmware via USB IS easy though.

As i’ve said below, trying to solder a pre-flashed chip isn’t a good idea. Unless you’re quite experienced with SMD rework, you WILL kill your board.

Flashing can be fiddly and it’s very dependent on timing which is quite likely what your issue is. There were, a few years ago, some boards which came without the arduino bootloader and those are not serial flashable from replicatorG. That’s unlikely though so first, check some things:

1. Verify your USB connection really is working - can you connect to the printer from makerbot desktop, replicatorg or whatever host software you’re using? If not, you may have some driver issues that you need to resolve.

2. Verify that your reset button works. Bear in mind it’s recessed quite a lot and you’ll need something that can push it firmly. Pressing the result button successfully (don’t try and flash right now) will reboot the printer, and you’ll see on the LCD that that is happening, so you can verify and satisfy yourself that the reset button works.

If (1) and (2) are good, then you really ought to be able to flash. For me, what worked was to press the button on the PC to start the flash, and then IMMEDIATELY (i.e. within less than a second) press the reset button on the printer.

There isn’t really any feedback to let you know it’s working, apart from the LEDs on the board near the USB port will flicker a lot more than normal. Flash takes probably a minute or so, from memory.

If you really really can’t do it, or if your board really doens’t have the arduino bootloader, there is, of course, another way - that doesn’t involve soldering.

There are two ICSP ports on the mightyboard. One is for programming the 8U2 micro that handles usb comminications (ignore this one) and the other is marked 1280 ISP - that’s for the main microcontroller.

If you get yourself an AVR programmer (e.g. tinyisp, see ebay) then you can plug it in to the ICSP port and then use arduino ide (or avrdude) to flash the arduino bootloader, or you could skip the arduino bootloader and just flash sailfish itself.

Getting an ISP programmer is 1,000 times better an idea than trying to resolder the chip.

Sailfish is for mightyboards, not RAMPS. I think there has been some work in the past to get sailfish running with thermistors etc, tbh it’s a bit of a dead end and sailfish will never run that LCD (which looks like a reprapdiscount graphic controller)

Try marlin instead. There are a lot of guides out there on how to get marlin going. You’re going to have to get nitty gritty with build dimensions, steps per unit, endstops and stuff like that. But it will be better in the long run.

If you really need it, i can help you a bit (i run marlin on a ramps compatible board on my ctc now)

It 99 perent setup with marlin. All cogs are GT2 20 teeth. The z axis is a proper 8mm lead screw and not a 8mm threaded bar. Extruder is direct feed with 26 teeth (mk8 I think) on it. Line 752 #define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {80,80,3000,2507.8982} don’t know if it’s right? Ian

Any help you can offer would be much appreciated.

I also want the extruder fan to come on when the extruder gets to a set temp, fan is wired to the 2nd extruder and only come’s on ver sliccer or menu/on board controller