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7 / 21
Mar 2017

the button on the back of the printer is not doing anything so will not update

It’s all about timing, pushing reset button and clicking on go at the same time or was it 1 just before the other, can’t remember, having a senior moment

Any help you can offer would be much appreciated.

I also want the extruder fan to come on when the extruder gets to a set temp, fan is wired to the 2nd extruder and only come’s on ver sliccer or menu/on board controller

no but there is a Trace that gose to a chip leg if you look the thing is i was looking for I was looking for tutorials on updating me printer and i found someome on redit saying the reset button time is bad and 6 hours is two long and someone sed put a cap on c20 and the timimg has no issues press 1 time to flash trying fine out if anyone has done it