Try this SketchUp plugin: Extension | SketchUp Extension Warehouse It will repair your files for 3D printing.
If you are new to 3D printing, make sure you always check if your model has 3D printing errors before printing something out. Try running it through MakePrintable to see if there are any errors with your model. If still doesn’t work then it could be a heating issue that’s causing this problem.
Hi @martin9 I checked the files. The EFIS PARTS has non-manifold edges. I would suggest your run it through a repair service to fix it. Try MakePrintable a good free tool.
Did you check your model to make sure it does not have errors in it by running it through a model check like MakePrintable or Meshmixer?
Run it through an online STL repair tool. Try https://makeprintable.com is a good free tool for this.
Run it through a repair service. Try https://makeprintable.com/ it will fix the model’s wall thickness issues automatically among other 3D printing errors.
Hi Corumrask, I suppose there could be an error in the STL file, have you checked and repaired the file? makeprintable.com is a good free automated repair service.
Try hollowing your model using this repair tool https://makeprintable.com/
There are several 3D repairing solutions that you can run your model through to make it printable. It depends on what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for something free then you can use https://www.MakePrintable.com. If you’re looking for more features then you have Netfabb and meshmixer but y…
You can repair non-manifold and wall thickness issues automatically to save time. Try using an online repair solution such as https://makeprintable.com/ or other options Netfabb and meshmixer. That way you will be able to fix any issues that your model might have.
Hi Matt, I agree with eulerO. It might be solidity issue, so it might be the model is not closed off well and that’s the reason you’re not able to print. You can just quickly run it through one of the repairing solutions such as MakePrintable will automatically fix any 3D printing common issues tha…
Have you tried using MakePrintable? there is a hollowing feature that you can use and you can also fix your model that way it will be hollow but you can still print it out.
I checked the model it has non-manifold and boundary edges issues. I managed to run it through MakePrintable and was able to fix it. I increased the size to be able to fix it well, just make sure to re-size it back to the original size and you should be able to print it. adattore_pingu_ciappette_2.…
Just like xeno mentioned, after creating a model using Sketchup, the model will have common 3D printing errors. Try this plugin specifically made for SketchUp, it will fix and prepare the 3D model for 3D printing and you can download your model in STL or Obj formart
Download this plugin, it will automatically prepare your 3D models for 3D printing and it’s free. https://makeprintable.com/page/15/Plugins-Overview
Not everyone knows how to use design tools as fusion thus this makes it way easier since it’s automated. Plus at the end the hollowed model will also be fixed.
Check out how to automatically hollow your 3D model to save time, money and material
A Tutorial that demonstrates how to add text on a 3D model using Blender
Check out the video of How to prepare 3D design for 3D printing: https://vimeo.com/150573705
Happy holidays everyone! Get these amazing holiday 3D models from https://makeprintable.com/ https://vimeo.com/149876945 [3dmodel-0.jpg]
Great Job! looks really amazing. The printed result looks incredible.
I discovered this useful MakePrintable plugin that can be installed in Blender. MakePrintable is a solution that automatically prepares 3D files for 3D printing. Check out how-to download the plugin: