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Oct 2016

I’ve made 3d model of helmet in 3ds max by polygon method, so walls have 0 thicnkess, How I can add to the helmet some thicnkess? I recently used shell modify, but this time some reason it dosn’t quite work, not only add some distortion to model, but when I divide object to smaller parts to fit them into the printing bed, it make some gaps in layers when I slice it in Simplily 3d, There are some alternative method for adding some thickness? So many people are making 3d printable helmets, there’s must be more easier way to do this : )

  • created

    Oct '16
  • last reply

    Oct '16
  • 3


  • 3.5k


  • 4


Hey maciejprajzner,

I would suggest using Blender to add thickness to your model if the shell modifier didn’t work for you. Export your project as 3ds, obj or stl. Then download Blender from blender.org 10 and import your model into blender by clicking File>>import and then select the filr type you exported as. Watch this quick video on how to add thickness to your file. How to add thickness to a object in blender - YouTube 147 Hope this helps you get the printability you are looking for! Happy Printing!


Slice the model, then repair it with makeprintable.

You can add thickness, or hollow the model using meshmixer->edit->hollow.