I want to print the file I attached below. It should come out partly hollow. It currently looks hollow when I open it in Blender.
But when I open it in 3D Builder, it wants to repair it. When I click repair, it closes up the hollow areas with a flat surface. How do I print it as a hollow object?
If I do print it with the flat surface, will it still be hollow inside? Can I just cut out the flat part? colonbottom2016Mar19.stl 6 (14.9 MB)
This definately needs supports and would be difficult to print, especially if you want it to be printed in its current orientation. You’d save a lot of material if it was rotated. No offence, but it looks a little odd. What’s it for?
In response to the comment about 3D builder, I don’t believe it is the best platform for printing as other software may be able to process your item more effectively.
If you can’t print it using 3D Builder or need any help I would be delighted to offer my services
It’s for a school project. Oops, I’ll definitely be printing it laying down flat. Would it be better to have the hollow parts facing upward or have that part against the printing surface?
Sorry about the delayed response. It’s up to you which way you have it but you’ve got to think about the supports. Having the hollow parts on the printer bed means that they will filled in with supports. So depending on what strength of supports you have would determine if you could achieve the hollow shape again. Personally I would have the hollow pieces in the air and the non hollow part on the printer bed. This way you shouldn’t have to worry about the supports filling the hollow part. However if for any reason you do choice to print it with the hollow part on the printer bed, I would recommend that supports should be set to either weak or normal, and have some sand paper ready to smoothen the insides.
I hope this helps! If you have any more queries just ask and I will be happy to help you out.
Have you tried using MakePrintable? there is a hollowing feature that you can use and you can also fix your model that way it will be hollow but you can still print it out.