K8400 hates small prints… In order to workaround, try to print at least 2 Marvins at the same time.
What about using OctoPi? It’s really worth of it. Easy to use, ready to print “out of the box”, ability to watch live gcode, ability to connect a camera (raspberry module or webcam) in order to make timelapse or just to watch your print, control your printer from every device connected on the LAN… …
Thought exactly the same thing
On my point of view, 5-6% is quite more than the printer should give you. And because you seem to tell it’s always approximatively the same percentage, you should think of calibrate your K8400.
I had a similar issue. It was the belt gears that weren’t tightened enough…
Interested to… @ColorFabb, any idea?
I post you here the URL of the documentation for poste.ch webservices (sorry, here, we are french speaking! ;))
Great solution… for those living in the US
I agree with @Snortimer for the shipping labels printing… currently, it’s a pain!
Congrats @Marvin, you did a fantastic job!
Sorry, did not catch your message… In fact, I am still looking for a solution… I tested this design without any success: The aluminium cooling part is impossible to insert into the printed part… perhaps I misunderstood something. Because I really want to install an e3d on my Rep2, I think I will …
Is this update available on production servers?
Great project!
@Joerg_4, thanks A LOT… It really helps! I will come later if I have some more questions!
Ah… @Joerg_4… I just remind your Instructable I read a few months ago and you convinced me to order the parts… The only thing I did not order yet is the PVC container. Which size is yours? Where did you find it? I also have some other questions: do you have any other photo of your polished prints…
I understand this philosophy and will surely test it one day… but, as a professional service provider, and because a small tumbler is not that expensive, we will buy one in order to have a good starting point. Thanks for your help.
In @simplify3d, speeds settings are under Other and Cooling tabs in process settings (see attached). It is sometimes useful to increase the speed overrides in order to avoid filament jams. [Capture d’écran 2016-02-18 à 09.24.03.png] [Capture d’écran 2016-02-18 à 09.23.36.png]
I can’t find it on their website. Do you have the URL?
This is not true: Polytétrafluoroéthylène — Wikipédia PTFE tubing will resist 250°C and in fact, the temperature at this point of the hotend is much lower. One more time, I do not know Makerbot 5th generation but, for example, with e3D hotends, even if you set 270°C for the thermistor point, the t…
It’s true that having a higher temperature for first layers will impact a lot adhesion. I do not know Makerbot softwares but, in Simplify 3D, you can select different settings for different heights of the print. I always set higher temps for 5 first layers (around 220°C for colorFabb PLA/PHA) and t…
One more time… great work!
I don’t know Replicator 5th generation BUT it is definitively a first layer adhesion problem. As it has been said: the only bluetape which will work is the 3M 2090 (any size). Do not use other blue tapes like Tesa. It is too smooth to handle prints. I remain at your disposal for more information.
For information: I also timed the K8400 montage and it took me between 15 and 20 hours. I really think the K8400 is easier to mount (solderless, good frame, … ) Not saying that K8400 is a must buy comparing to other brands… just saying that I think the K8400 is better comparing to the K8200 (ease o…
I also had some difficulties with Velleman support with my K8400 (missing parts in the kit, difficulties to get them shipped, … ). If you have sufficient money, you should perhaps look at ATOM3DP printer which is fantastic!
A thing I am forgetting to notice is that K8400 is solderless which is not the case of the K8200… This could be a problem for some people.
Hi, If you consider a Velleman printer, you should perhaps think of the Vertex K8400. It is the evolution of the 8200. The printer is really easier to mount and more reliable. I have one and sell some. It is easy to upgrade (I am adding e3D hotends and a silicone heated bed). The printer is quite…
Really nice work… Well done!
Could you print a Marvin @ 0.2mm and 0.05mm and take some photos for me? It would be a great way for me to know the quality of the prints. What filament brand do you use? Did you try any composite filament like woodFill? Did you have any problem maintaining the printer? What are your general thou…
Thanks for the reply… and please apologize for not answering you so quick Your prints look very good. Overhangs seem to be fantastically well printed. What PLA brand do you use? Did you test colorFabb? Did you test composite materials like woodFill? You mention few problems when printing at 0.05m…
print+ STL files are still beta but somebody of the team could give you more information