Yes, Royal Mail has an API with which Ebay integrates seamlessly -that is quite a pleasure to use. However with a combination of Royal Mail’s cumbersome online mail purchasing and the fiddly way I have to cut & paste each field from 3D Hubs, this often feels like the most unnecessarily time-consuming part of fulfilling orders. Ability to print labels -or even better, Royal Mail integration would get all my votes, but I understand that this is just one country.
I’d second both of these request, particularly the first one. I end up missing them out since Royal Mail (UK postal service) can do without the county field and I never know what they’re actually supposed to say half the time.
Labels would be nice, but there’d be a lot of variables to take into account… various Avery templates and so on…
I understand that in your case updating the address makes sense, but it does defeat the purpose of address verification, unless we make it clever in some way.
Thanks to everyone for the great feedback on the Hub Dashboard update!
We’re working hard to make the order management better and better and we’ll be tweaking here and there over the next period to improve your experience. One of the first changes is a little UX update in the “My Orders” view (see attached screenshot): you now have two separate view to differentiate incoming and outgoing orders and you can switch from one to the other through the controls in the upper right corner.
In my case, if the current setup works, the updates won’t change much. Another option is to have a checkbox that allows a hub owner to choose to have the verification sent via UPS or FEDEX (or another non-USPS option). This could cost the hub a couple dollars, and would get around problems like mine, as the USPS doesn’t serve all addresses. All other carriers do serve my business address. They’d have to be able to leave the letter without a signature.
i could use my home address, but I like to do pickups and meetings at the business address, largely because sales tax is much simpler to calculate there.