Digital Artist specializing in art asset creation for software and game development with additional experience in product design. My favorite designs to print and make are character based art.
Other than UI layout, there isn’t really a big difference between the programs when it comes to designing for 3d printing. Animation on the otherhand, Maya has a lot more useful features. If you are looking for a program that gets more involved with modeling on a vertex basis, Blender may be somethi…
I am really hesitant about this feature. How does quanity/number of files uploaded get applied into the claculation? I would never meet a 2 day deadline if a customer orders 10+ of a design or uploads a bunch of files. I do have a day job and can’t be home to remove and start new prints to meet a or…
You should be able to use the extra nuts but is there one for each corner? The link I provided slips over the bed screw from underneath but needs some sort of nut to hold it in place.
Your choice. Doesn’t matter as long as it is the correct sized nut. I am assuming it is a metric screw so probably a m3 style is needed.
The 1/8" or 3/16" should work. You will need to make or find a shim and clips for your printer. I use these clips on my bed: 3/16" Glass Bed Clip for Flash Forge by blairmi2 - Thingiverse. A shim should be as high as your glass plate and attached to the back so it can hit the z endstop.
Probably around 3-5 mm. Type of glass will make a difference though. If you are only going to print PLA or other materials that won’t require a bed then any glass should do. Otherwise most tempered glass will work up to 80C. Anything higher than 80C for a heated bed I would recommend going with Boro…
I usually buy my glass plates from this PrintinZ. This one should fit the creator pro:
Anything that requires temps over 240 c I recommend upgrading to a all metal extruder.
If you do end up getting a powerspec ultra, feel free to message me if you ever have questions or need help.
QIDI, PowerSpec, Flashforge, monoprice dual and a few others are similar as they are all makerbot clones.
If you live in the U.S. check out Microcenter. The powerspec ultra 3d printer is essentially a flashforge creator pro but rebranded and half the price of a actual flashforge. Works with Cura or Simplify3d. I don’t recommend the default slicer it comes with other than to install the driver and change…
TPU is a rubber. In the Advance search in material selection you can search rubber or TPU and it should bring up the nearest hub that offers the material you are looking for
Depends on if it is certain areas or the entire surface. Hard to tell unless you upload pictures. If it is only certain areas of the first layer easiest approach, at least for me, is to print something with a large surface. As it begins to print, adjust the screws of the bed. Usually the areas where…
Can be caused by many things but where are you seeing the gaps? Is it in the first layer or in the top layers of the print? Is it in the side of a print? First layer most likely the culprit is the bed is not leveled. I get this issue at least once a year and I need to re-calibrate the bed. If it is…
Seeing as the powerspec has Teflon tubes, I highly advise against hot/cold pulls of the filament as you don’t want to get filament stuck in the tubes and damage them. It is always best to push the clog out instead of pulling it out as the pulling method can lodge a clog higher up in the extruder and…
I have an powerspec ultra. For it I keep a thin metal rod and a guitar string around in case of sever clogs when I print with ABS. The metal rod is to push the filament through from the top. The guitar string is for clearing out the nozzle tip and when inserted from the nozzle end can help pinpoint …
Probably doesn’t like that your mesh is high poly and not made of quads. Maybe that @Modellus suggested can convert the higher poly designs better?
Try converting the file inside the program to a Brep and then export. Convert STL to BRep for Editing in Fusion 360 - YouTube
No didn’t get your first notification. Yes changing those units should export the design correctly. That may be the reason as to why you were not getting a thumbnail when exporting as the design was exported smaller than what it should have been.
did you change the system units to match the imported file’s units before exporting?
depends on the subscription plan. $40 monthly or $300 for a year.…
I import stl files all the time into Fusion 360 and export as a step or iges. Most Cad software on the market allow that. 3d software like blender, 3ds max, maya, zbrush, etc can not as they are not Cad specific programs.
Step and igs files are associated more with Cad programs. Download a trial version of fusion 360 and import your files into the software and export the format you need.
Does the filament stick if you print with rafts? If it lays down fine and stays down using rafts I would think bed leveling would still be the issue. Also sometimes cheap filament price wise equals poor filament. What was the brand you bought off of Amazon?
Amazon link on site. Sorry. Typing on a phone. I probably would give them another chance if the did not sell through amazon but on their own website too. Could have cases where amazon sends orders to nearest “storage warehouse” which could be a storage house selling the counterfiet. D…
Everyone has their opinions and I may be overly picky about filament quality but a +/- 0.1 filament change instead of the +/- 0.05 isn’t good filament to me. Might not seem like much to fuss about but that much tolerance difference when I was using the filament caused a lot of frustration. At the ti…
Hatchbox is junk. I stopped buying that stuff a long time ago because of filament inconsistency and too many purchased rolls arrived contaminated (bubbles and debris inside the filament). I would recommend investing in filaments where the manufacture guarantees quality. Check out filaments such as c…
Your prices seem fine. Could be just interest in your area but on the other hand how actively do you promote your hub? I’ve also noticed you don’t have any shipping pricing or offer one day shipping which could have affect on your hub. Other Hubs near your location have set shipping prices where as …
Adding to keebie81’s list, more gallery images can help. I would recommend purchasing a small photo booth off of amazon or another website. The few gallery images you have are not attractive especially the black prints. Print some designs that have detail or complexity to them to showcase more of th…