Hey everyone, so I’ve been using Hatchbox ABS filament for a while now and I absolutely love it! But recently I bought some gold ABS from them and it prints fine, but after about a day of sitting around it starts to just fall apart. Cracks begin to show up and its just incredibly brittle to the point it just falls apart. Has anyone else experienced this or have any guesses as to what it could be? Thanks
Biggest issue I have had with Hatchbox is counterfeit stuff. I use Hatchbox all the time and like it. Between eBay and Amazon there are a lot of unauthorized sellers.
Megalomart.com 7, Fire Sale Merchant, The Smoke Mart and Low Baller are the only authorized sellers at the time according the their site.
I usually by from Amazon or newegg.com 1 but look for the actual seller and if it is not a listed on get a hold of Hatchbox and let them know.
That’s not ABS for sure. Something very rigid like PLA will crack like that. Manufacturers use around 4% coloring in the filaments so the additives for the gold color is not the issue. I have printed tons of gold PLA models with not a single crack. That’s definitely a counterfeit filament. Print it without a heated bed and if it doesn’t warp, that’s PLA or at least something like that. You can try olive oil as well and see if it still cracks again after a while.
As I mentioned I went to Hatchbox after trouble with Makergeeks. Hatcbox has been decent for general use with good colors and a low price but can be hard to get at the good price point!
But not every filament is good for every print that is for sure.
Back to this guys issues, I haven’t seen ABS behave like that by splitting. I’d like to try his file with some junky ABS I have and see if it does the same thing.