I’ll definitely give that a try.
Thank you!
February 8, 2017, 5:41pm
There are quite a few differences in the file types. One of the biggest is that STEP, IGS files have the scale included. STL files do not.
And STL does not include layers, assemblies, constraints, etc.
You can use freecad https://www.freecadweb.org/?lang=fr to convert your files. It’s a free solution and you can use it to convert your files .
Best Regards
You can’t just import a STL and export as a STEP in a single click in any software, you have to redraw the whole model and then save as a STEP. We can help you out with that if you want but its not always an easy job.
I import stl files all the time into Fusion 360 and export as a step or iges. Most Cad software on the market allow that. 3d software like blender, 3ds max, maya, zbrush, etc can not as they are not Cad specific programs.
I’m just starting to experiment with Fusion 360 now. It looks pretty cool. How much does it cost to buy once the trial version has expired?
Ok, great.
Now, I just uploaded my model and exported it as both an STEP and IGS file. But the exported files don’t show anything in the way of thumbnail images - they’re also very small. Is that normal?
I tried to reupload them to Fusion as well, to see if they would open, but they seem to be just blank files. I’ve attached a screen grab that has the OBJ file on the right, and the IGS version on the left.
Is there something I’m doing wrong? Or are these file types just not visual?
did you change the system units to match the imported file’s units before exporting?
I did not…
Is the dialog box on the right what you’re referring to? If so, is there a different setting I should be using?
Hey…just wanted to see if my last message came through.
You’ve been very helpful so far. I hope to continue learning from your tips!
Thank you!
No didn’t get your first notification. Yes changing those units should export the design correctly. That may be the reason as to why you were not getting a thumbnail when exporting as the design was exported smaller than what it should have been.
Oh, awesome! I think that worked - I had it at mm instead of inches.
Thank you so much for your help! Would it be okay if I got in touch with you again on here in the future? You seem to know your stuff.
Actually, I spoke too soon. Apparently I exported the file as a F3D file, and THAT worked.
But then, when I tried to export as a STEP file, I got the same results - the export completed, but the file was empty when I tried to upload and open it.
Is there something I’m doing wrong? Do I need to change settings somewhere else?
Try converting the file inside the program to a Brep and then export. Convert STL to BRep for Editing in Fusion 360 - YouTube
Hmm. I tried that - the video was helpful, but I guess my file is too big or something? I got this error message…
Probably doesn’t like that your mesh is high poly and not made of quads. Maybe https://www.freecadweb.org/ that @Modellus suggested can convert the higher poly designs better?
Is it possible to turn a digital scanned stl model into a solid for machining?. It is full of faceted surfaces.
I know this is a late in the game but I found freecad solutions and such a bit lacking. So I just wrote a direct translator:
It works for my models.