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16 / 27
Jun 2017

Probably around 3-5 mm. Type of glass will make a difference though. If you are only going to print PLA or other materials that won’t require a bed then any glass should do. Otherwise most tempered glass will work up to 80C. Anything higher than 80C for a heated bed I would recommend going with Borosilicate.

We are going to print ABS, PLA and other exotics.

Would a 9" x 6" work from this link? What thickness?


The zero maintenance way:

Step One: Print a Shim

FlashForge/PowerSpec glass-bed z-axis shim by johngiachero - Thingiverse 414 (or any other z-axis shim, we have our own for internal use)

Step Two: Clip the glass on with anything

https://www.amazon.com/photos/share/WBG2CopgmcCQNE1I87e3QLrVw10XImMo62hhj2uX7cX 138

Step Three: After about a dozen prints we can remove the clips as the bed gets adhered with PVA/Aquanet.

Swapping the glass every month or two is just using a paint scraper to pull off the glass and then repeating steps 2 & 3

2 months later