Looks like it was only down for about 2 minuets. Thanks!
Same issue here - thanks Maddie!
The seller actually sets their own price (amazon just takes a cut…a big cut!). The issue is that anyone can sell anything on amazon (unless it is restricted, but a book wouldn’t be restricted).
You can also lower the layer height which will make them less noticeable.
Very nice!
Hey there! I would read this article: https://all3dp.com/1/food-safe-3d-printing-abs-pla-food-safe-filament/ The net of it is PETG is probably the best, but you need to make sure it comes certified food safe and includes a material safety data sheet. Also, since FDM printing creates tiny ridges (la…
Hi there! You will need a bed size of at least 400mm by 400mm by 30mm. The printer that comes to mind is the Creality CR10. It is a entry level printer, but requires a lot of work to get it printing properly. As far as reels, I think you mean filament spools, that depends on your print settings a…
Hi Graham, I can convert them for you. Go over to my hub (https://www.3dhubs.com/service/3drapidprints), click contact hub, and write me there. You should be able to upload the files after I respond back.
Hi Floris! You have come to the right place! That is something many hubs could help you with…including mine (https://www.3dhubs.com/service/3drapidprints). You can also search for a hub yourself (not all hubs monitor Talk). Click the red “Start Manufacturing” button at the top right of the screen. …
Here is the link to the filmware and the software to upgrade it. http://ctcwiki.minus-9.com/index.php/Firmware You could also try contacting the company that makes your printer for the official release.
Amazing initiative!
Hello! Its never fun to have issues with your printer, is it? This seems to be a common problem with this printer. I would try a few things. First, get the filmware from your printer’s manufacturer and reflash the main board. There is a chance your filmware is corrupted. Second, refer to this post …
Hello! Make sure you have listed yourself as a hub on this platform! Talk is never a good place to get orders. I wish your business success!
I agree with you! I have had this happen at least twice with a customer already.
The reason that the order is declined is weighed into the determination of how it effects your hub. If you have an order that is spam or that the customer stops reclining it “shouldn’t” effect your hub ranking. I do agree, however that the stat on the hub profile is misleading since it does not acco…
I too am having the same issue with the green indicator dots. However, I love seeing the updates daily. It’s almost like a ¨find what’s different¨ game. Awesome work!
Awesome! I used to use the stickers (the ones that 3D Hubs sends you when you sign up) to mark the packages but then I ran out and now shipping is too exspensive to order them for every order. I think I’m going to make one of these!
I too, would love to connect! Please write me at: 3drapidprints@gmail.com Thanks!
I find it helpful to have the emails and/or phone numbers of hubs around you. You can ask them by clicking the “contact this hub” button.
Very cool! I would also be interested in a US retailer.
3D Hubs is one of the most flexible platforms I know. They are constantly adding new features and their support is incredible. Please do contact support if you have any questions, I am sure they would love to help you out. Also you can use the link below to request new features. http://3dhubs.user…
You can do that now! 3D Hubs accepts custom printers as long as the quality is up to par.
Try printing at a lower speed as well as aiming a fan to provide better cooling.
Why can’t you get mail at your physical address? Have you tried emailing 3D Hubs admins about the issue?
Great idea, thanks!
My cost would be around $200, unfortunately. I wish you the best of luck!
I can assure you they do. I don’t believe there is any margin, however. Try to upload a huge part and you will see that the nearest hub is 100+ mi away.
3D Hubs will hide you hub if the parts are to big for your printer, so you will never have to decline beacuse of size.
Hello! I will look at the files during lunch-break today and give you an estimate.
Make sure the belts are very tight.