I do not think it is fair, or right, that hub ranking are now based on declined orders. Why are our rankings degraded because: the customer is no longer responding, the customer found another solution, it is spam, customer is not interested anymore, design is not printable, etc. (all the reasons on the “Decline Order” page.
In fact, I cannot think of any reason why our Hub rankings should be affect by declining an order.
Are customer’s ranking affected for posting Spam, poor/unprintable designs, unreasonable timeline/price requests?
This new ‘feature’ should be removed.
I think it has always been that way. I think the avg is around 75% accepted. So as longs as you are above that you are good. My avg is 96.4%
The reason that the order is declined is weighed into the determination of how it effects your hub. If you have an order that is spam or that the customer stops reclining it “shouldn’t” effect your hub ranking. I do agree, however that the stat on the hub profile is misleading since it does not account for these things.
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Hi @LeiShen as @keebie81 said, this isn’t a new feature it’s been in place for a while (it’s just the new dashboard now makes the declines more visible). I believe the intention is to only penalise Hubs for orders that are declined when the order could have been printed by that Hub. In other words, if you get an order you could print, but refuse it because you’re too busy, or you haven’t got enough filament (when you’ve listed it as being available) or you simply don’t feel like it, you could be penalised. The reasoning (again, I’m guessing here) is that 3DHubs doesn’t want to show potential customers Hubs who may refuse their order without a good reason. They want customers to be shown Hubs who’ll take the order on asap, print it to a high quality and get it out to the customer.
The hub dashboard does say that the rating for declined orders is weighted by the reason for the decline and as far as I know, you shouldn’t be penalised for spam/unprintable orders. However, I don’t know about time or price issues.
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I agree on this. There also needs to be a way to remove an order that was unintentional without being penalized.
I recently duplicated an order by mistake. I was trying to help the customer get the STL’s loaded and goofed it up. Now I show a 96% accept when I have accepted every order.
I asked 3dhubs to remove the order since it was a duplicate but it seems now I have a decline. This is not acceptable.
I hope the customers are realizing all of these “metrics” are mostly crap and meaningless.
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I get those too. Sometimes customers open orders and never pay. Or they upload something wrong, and want to change it and just create a new order and ask you to cancel their last. These scenarios play out far more often than me refusing to print something because of any fault of mine.
I think this policy was meant to better the customer experience but in reality it makes it worse because it creates incentive for hubs to take on jobs that they may not be ideally suited for – the hub knowing that saying no might be in the best interest of the customer but not in the best interest of the hub. The policy essentially penalizes hubs for doing what is really in the best interest of customer - turning down unsuitable jobs. If declining orders didn’t affect ranking, customers with more challenging prints would be more likely steered towards hubs that are suitable for them and a lot less time and money would get wasted.
This whole ranking experiment is getting ridiculous. If I have accepted every order how then is my order accept rating only 96%? someone needs to stop with the common core math.
Also, why is archiving an enquiry a declined order? Just another thing that makes no sense except that 3dhubs wants to run off the little guy.
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