I kickstarter backed it, and got mine in april 2015. It is appropriate for beginners, as it is pretty much plug’n’print. I had a lot of 3d priting experience prior to that so for me it was even easier to use as I did know what to expect. It is limited in printing size, and by far the slowest of my p…
Hi Uwe, die 305mm dürften die meisten - mich eingeschlossen - vor Probleme stellen. Das ist ziemlich groß, zu groß als dass es mit den meisten Druckern in einem Stück gedruckt werden könnte. Gravierender sind aber die Sicherheitsbedenken. Ich glaube zwar schon das ein man das Teit in 3 Teile zerleg…
pics or it didnt happen: see print quality here: http://my3dprinting.ninja https://www.3dhubs.com/cologne/hubs/my3dprintingninja
Sorry for the typos, typing on my mobile phone… ^^
I am running my Creatr (2nd generation) Dual Extruder for about 2 years now. It is strudy and reliable, befor I really was happy with the print results and the handling I had to make (print) some upgrades: nozzle cooler for print quality, bridging etc., new extruder mechanism to print ninjaflex and …
indeed. did alread send mails to the NASA press/pr staff, the german DLR (who schedule the german experiments), the university of heidelberg (who design fun experiments for teh astronauts to do in their freetime) and to some guys that i am told of who operate the 3d printer on the ISS from earth. i…
It is hard to tell if the slicer has great influence to the print quality in general. I think it depends on the printer. Some printers do perform better woth a certain slicer, other printers are better with another one. I tried cura, kissslicer and slic3r and found the best results were always the o…
So cool! The blog thirsts for updates. Just mail them to social@aroundtheworldin80prints.org along with whatever you like to be included in the post. Your brother in law could make a trackable journal. In the downloadsection you find a code, links and a qr-code to identify a certain traveller and to…
Sweet! Dont choose only one
. As seen on Gregs post you can provide a whole gallery. Just tell me wich one you want to be the ‘cover’ image. Here you can see how it will look with a gallery: http://aroundtheworldin80prints.org/london-calling/ cheers, lars
@MDModels the first waypoint-print on the african continent! That’d be amazing. You can download the models in different sizes on the website: http://aroundtheworldin80prints.org/download/ But I attached the smaller version to this post too. You can mail pictures, links and texts to the email-add…
Supercool. And the best example that the result is what we aim for. There are many no-glue-all-snaps-together purists out there, and whilst a good and clean design is indeed important, its the usage of all the possibilities that are at our hands that make results like this outstanding.
Hi Carsten, http://www.3dmensionals.de have EcoFlex. PLA with attributes quite similar to ninjaflex. Grüße, Lars
awesome! That’ll keep me busy preparing those blogposts, tweets, map-updates. To send in pictures, texts, links or whatever you like you can mail directly to social@aroundtheworldin80prints.org Of course you can ask questions, mail ideas and other stuff there too. But keep one thing in mind: Have …
Wow. That is a boost! Regard yourself as an official honorable travelagent that will be mentioned on the plate that we will print on mars someday.
But seriously thanks @JulieSillamJulieSillamJuJulieSillam. I did not get any answer from the last 12 contacts to 3d hubs so that brought me down a littl…
https://thingiverse-production.s3.amazonaws.com/renders/9f/84/b5/22/ab/td_on_mars_display_large.jpg Image of a painted model.
Hi Julie, I don’t have the slightest talent for all this paint magic, but my wife sure does. She uses a primer spray on the models first. There is a brand especially made for miniature painting (eg: http://www.games-workshop.com/de-DE/Chaos-Black-Sprühgrundierung;jsessionid=B2C62C716B5B29F644A50789…
I had a crack in my fairphone certification print, after trying and bending it. there seems to be a weak spot by design in the area of the opening for the side buttons. maybe pla isnt the best choice for these cases after all, as it tends to break and shiver more easily than abs for example. an abs …
Hi Julie, awesome! I gladly appreciate any help. For the main route around the globe I did think of a country by country approache at first, but the realized that there might be a lot of hindrances slowing it all down this way. So i adapted the map-mechanics in a way to insert waypoints later on i…
So, we’re rolling. First waypoint will be the 3D HUB HQ in Amsterdam. Thanks a lot for getting sthis started!