Absolutely!!! Beach Lab is in!
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Yeaaaaah! Let’s take over Barcelona!
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If @3Dortgen @henriquesv @Troadey @Fenix999 @Trede @awsellick @3Dmaker4U and @cubeathens do it, you would not only have London & Barcelona covered, but also Istanbul, Brazil, Quebec, Lisbon, Puerto Rico, Australia, Romania and Greece !! Yiha!
October 23, 2014, 1:40pm
Wow. That is a boost! Regard yourself as an official honorable travelagent that will be mentioned on the plate that we will print on mars someday. But seriously thanks @JulieSillamJulieSillamJuJulieSillam . I did not get any answer from the last 12 contacts to 3d hubs so that brought me down a little as I saw the momentum decrease. Thanks to you the optimism energy tanks are fully reloaded, and I’ll give out 3 new calls to hubs in asia right now.
Hahhahaha thanks a lot! Wish I could go to Mars myself to grave my name on it
Thanks to you for having such a great idea! And don’t let this get to you: of course such projects take some time, but I’m sure you can count on 3D Hubs and 3d printing communities’ enthusiasm to make it a success !!
Let’s keep it up!
Brazil is also coming … !!
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October 23, 2014, 2:27pm
That’ll keep me busy preparing those blogposts, tweets, map-updates. To send in pictures, texts, links or whatever you like you can mail directly to social@aroundtheworldin80prints.org
Of course you can ask questions, mail ideas and other stuff there too. But keep one thing in mind: Have fun with it!
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October 23, 2014, 3:47pm
the fifth filament is printing in Paris
see you soon
If it could have a beret it would be so aaace!
October 23, 2014, 6:03pm
a prety good idee Julie, I go out side to catch the Efeil tower now
beret1.stl (649 KB)
Have to get Namibia’s sanddunes in the background
Send the .stl!
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October 24, 2014, 3:09pm
the first waypoint-print on the african continent! That’d be amazing.
You can download the models in different sizes on the website: http://aroundtheworldin80prints.org/download/
But I attached the smaller version to this post too. You can mail pictures, links and texts to the email-address in the post below, or here in this thread or using the contact form on the website.
Thanks for your help, this is so exciting!
5th_filament_55mm.stl (134 KB)
5th_filament_stand_55mm.stl (55.5 KB)
Can’t wait to see the result near the Eiffel Tower
Printing tomorrow and looking for a nice background in Barcelona. There are so many that is difficult to choose only one!
October 30, 2014, 12:19am
Sweet! Dont choose only one . As seen on Gregs post you can provide a whole gallery. Just tell me wich one you want to be the ‘cover’ image. Here you can see how it will look with a gallery:
Awesome so where do we send the pictures?
I am also printing some combinations for my brother in law. He is steward at Iberia flying to Boston, NY, Chicago, Miami, LA, Lima, Rio, Sao Paolo, Buenos Aires… He flyes 4 times a month
November 4, 2014, 1:05pm
So cool! The blog thirsts for updates. Just mail them to social@aroundtheworldin80prints.org along with whatever you like to be included in the post. Your brother in law could make a trackable journal. In the downloadsection you find a code, links and a qr-code to identify a certain traveller and to follow him on different stations. Please ask him to take a pic inflight abvoe the atlantic. Would be fun to make a waypoint on the map in the nowhere but in 8000m height
cheers, and thanks a lot