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Oct 2014

I just started a new project with the aim to spread the awareness for 3D printing. I want to emphase that 3D printing is a world wide phenomenon with consquences that cant even be foreseen right now.
So following the footsteps of Jules Verne I want that idea to travel around the globe in 3D printed form in 80 prints. Now I am looking for 3D printers all around the world to join in and be a waypoint of this global route.

Each one will be sent a .stl-File with our symbol - the fifth filament - so it can be printed and photographed in front of a landmark or something specific for the region or country. These photographs along with a little story and links to your websites or 3D Hubs will then be posted on the blog and marked on a world map. Once we successfull made it around the world, we’ll reach for the stars. There is a 3D printer on the ISS now, and maybe, with enough social media attendance NASA might agree to print our little traveller in space.

You can learn abot this project here : http://www.aroundtheworldin80prints.org 4

If you want help making this possible, just drop me a note replying here, messaging my hub or using the contactform on the projects website.

Even if we already have printers in your country on the route, you can still participate. We have a download section where you can download a generic version of our symbol, and you can upload photos of your print in our freestyle gallery. Get wild and creative, there are no rules. Or you can start your very own travel by attaching a generated QR-Code or weblink to your print and releasing it into the wild. Just put it somewhere, where it might be found. If people who find it scan the qr-code or visit the weblink they can write an entry in this prints own travel journal. And with the prints’ ID you (and they) can always track the adventures of your print. track the adventures of your little traveller.

So please, check it out. And if you like the idea, you can help get this started by socializing it. Print, Upload, Comment. Share the link, follow us on twitter, facebook, and wherever you’ll find us. Tell your collegues and grand-parents about this. Help us, to make it big.

Cheers, Lars from my3dprinting.ninja

http://my3dprinting.ninja 2

http://www.3dhubs.com/cologne/hubs/my3dprintingninja 2

  • created

    Oct '14
  • last reply

    Nov '14
  • 27


  • 1.5k


  • 9


Hi Lars,

I Love this idea and would love to participate! The QR code idea is a brilliant addition as well! I hope it goes viral and spreads the spirit of creativity and the fantastic potential that 3D-printing has created in so many areas.



Z-Axis 3D

So, we’re rolling.

First waypoint will be the 3D HUB HQ in Amsterdam. Thanks a lot for getting sthis started!

Hi @3dlyx, I think you’re project is outstanding ! It’s awesome to be willing to make a worldwide campaign!

Do you want to make it country by country or can we make it viral already ? I can tagg a few hubs in France, Spain, and South America who would be interested.

Also, is there a Twitter account we can mention to make it big on social?

Let me know, I’d be super glad to help!

Hi Julie,

awesome! I gladly appreciate any help.

For the main route around the globe I did think of a country by country approache at first, but the realized that there might be a lot of hindrances slowing it all down this way. So i adapted the map-mechanics in a way to insert waypoints later on in between waypoints that are already set.

so please, tag them hubs!

And we have the ‘freestyle’ and ‘tracker’ sections on the website. that are screaming ‘make me viral!’ as people can add their pictures to the galleries without being an ‘official’ waypoint, or starting their own travels by setting a printed model marked with a link or qr-code ‘free’ to be found by someone who then can continue the models journal and journey.

yeah! spread the news! let’ have fun driving this around the world and watch how many people we can reach.

there is a twitter: https://twitter.com/PhileasPrint ( want to use it with #atwi8p )
a facebook: Redirecting... (just started)

and a short-url to the website: atwi8p.org 1

11 days later

Wow. That is a boost! Regard yourself as an official honorable travelagent that will be mentioned on the plate that we will print on mars someday. :wink: But seriously thanks @JulieSillamJulieSillamJuJulieSillam. I did not get any answer from the last 12 contacts to 3d hubs so that brought me down a little as I saw the momentum decrease. Thanks to you the optimism energy tanks are fully reloaded, and I’ll give out 3 new calls to hubs in asia right now.

Hahhahaha thanks a lot! Wish I could go to Mars myself to grave my name on it :slight_smile:

Thanks to you for having such a great idea! And don’t let this get to you: of course such projects take some time, but I’m sure you can count on 3D Hubs and 3d printing communities’ enthusiasm to make it a success !!

Let’s keep it up!


That’ll keep me busy preparing those blogposts, tweets, map-updates. To send in pictures, texts, links or whatever you like you can mail directly to social@aroundtheworldin80prints.org

Of course you can ask questions, mail ideas and other stuff there too. But keep one thing in mind: Have fun with it!

