I just started a new project with the aim to spread the awareness for 3D printing. I want to emphase that 3D printing is a world wide phenomenon with consquences that cant even be foreseen right now.
So following the footsteps of Jules Verne I want that idea to travel around the globe in 3D printed form in 80 prints. Now I am looking for 3D printers all around the world to join in and be a waypoint of this global route.
Each one will be sent a .stl-File with our symbol - the fifth filament - so it can be printed and photographed in front of a landmark or something specific for the region or country. These photographs along with a little story and links to your websites or 3D Hubs will then be posted on the blog and marked on a world map. Once we successfull made it around the world, we’ll reach for the stars. There is a 3D printer on the ISS now, and maybe, with enough social media attendance NASA might agree to print our little traveller in space.
You can learn abot this project here : http://www.aroundtheworldin80prints.org 4
If you want help making this possible, just drop me a note replying here, messaging my hub or using the contactform on the projects website.
Even if we already have printers in your country on the route, you can still participate. We have a download section where you can download a generic version of our symbol, and you can upload photos of your print in our freestyle gallery. Get wild and creative, there are no rules. Or you can start your very own travel by attaching a generated QR-Code or weblink to your print and releasing it into the wild. Just put it somewhere, where it might be found. If people who find it scan the qr-code or visit the weblink they can write an entry in this prints own travel journal. And with the prints’ ID you (and they) can always track the adventures of your print. track the adventures of your little traveller.
So please, check it out. And if you like the idea, you can help get this started by socializing it. Print, Upload, Comment. Share the link, follow us on twitter, facebook, and wherever you’ll find us. Tell your collegues and grand-parents about this. Help us, to make it big.
Cheers, Lars from my3dprinting.ninja
Oct '14last reply
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