I own one since November 2013.
Since 11 September I haven’t been able to print anything anymore.
The motherboard has been replaced twice. The complete double extruder unit with all the wires has been replaced twice.
First time they sent a steppermotor. Then they sent a damaged extruder unit. Finally a working one arrived.
The X-axis rods have been replaced.
And sending something takes between 10-14 days.
They gave up helping me printing with PVA. I did a few of testprints with their values. When it didn’t work, it was my problem again.
But since then I haven’t printed anymore.
A few times the hermistor and heat cardridge have been exchanged.
The printer has been exchanged twice now.
First time a lot of bolts and nuts were not tightened. And one levelhole for the glass plate was broken. So I couldn’t print.
They exchanged the printer and the nuts and bolts are not tightened, but they don’t want to talk about it anymore.
Everything works ok on the printer now, expect printing. The printer gives a temperture reset.
They are investigating my model to find the problem. This model I always print when I make a change in the machine.
just to be sure that it works they way I want.
The first printer was all metal. Heavy but sturdy.
The second printer was all pastic and loos. And the third one looks like it has been assembled with parts that came back.
Got plastic parts, metal parts. And lot of stickers on the electrical parts.
The last one didn’t come with a print of cone and the levelprint. That is not what their quality inspection report says, but who is counting. The printsticker is on and you can see that is has never been used.
Ohw and the old motherboard prints smooth, but since they changed some components on the board the startpoint of your print shows.
The service department have no idea what they are doing. Everything they send comes from Rumania. Hence the long delivery times.
The way the investigate the problem is not hopefull. My problems started when a thermistor was broken. For that problem the motherboard got replaced.
The only way to communicate with the service department is by eticket.
If you have a nice person, you are able to ask 4 times a question. Some just don’t react.
Please don’t urge them to hurry up, because you have paying customers waiting. It will cost you a week before any progress is made.
Returning the printer costs money. You will pay for the transport fee and a 15% use-fee.
So all by all, I regret the buy of this printer.
I understand that the printers are not plug and play. But the long delivery times are killing for sure.
And I know that machines have issues and need some tweaks. But then you loose garantee.
The design is poor. The assembly is really poor. And a glass plate can’t be perfectly straight. But if we print a layer with a height of 0,1 how bent is the glassplate allowed to be?
No answer. They replace the printer.
I hope you will have more luck when purchasing a Leapfrog.