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Jan 2015

Well I have 2 Creatr HS ( I was one of the very very first owner when this printer first released) using it around 3 months.

I have to say that it is huge heavy and noisy as shit. If you want to use it in your home don’t think about it (I m using it in my office in a seperate room so no problem for me)

Pros :

Leapfrog support team !(they are great and helpful and if there is any problem they send you the part immediatiley

dual extrude (there is not much dual extruders around right now (except chinese ones) but it is reliable.

If you want to print PLA with PVA it is a good option.


Since it has open enclosure, not good for ABS prints.

You will need support team help (everyweek , very frequently)

I don’t know the engineering of creatr original but creatr HS has a dumb of head design. (melting cooling fan adapter, etc etc)

If I had a chanse before I would definetly purchase ultimaker original and made a dual extured upgrade LATER !

Believe me or not since I make too many works to the industry, you won’t need dual extrude that much.

read the article about 2014 3d printer buyers guide (3d hub).

Creatr is Like their logo small green beuatiful frog but it is venomous .

I am running my Creatr (2nd generation) Dual Extruder for about 2 years now. It is strudy and reliable, befor I really was happy with the print results and the handling I had to make (print) some upgrades: nozzle cooler for print quality, bridging etc., new extruder mechanism to print ninjaflex and other softer filaments. Modifications to the buildplate to heat faster and to use standard ikea mirror tiles to print on. Spool holders, because the setting the spool up horizontally gave me a lot of troubles. Some minor upgrades (lube-egg, 90 degree z-stop). Still to do is a top cover and door and maybe a HEPA or actvie coal filter because I have it in my home office.

So you see, I can (and must and will) learn a lot if you decide to get one of these, but its quite rewarding with awesome big dual color/material prints that will run smoothly overnight without checking every 5 minutes.

Sorry for the typos, typing on my mobile phone… ^^

I have a ca 2 year old Creator with 2 printheads. I have done some small fixes but nothing radical

and I’m happy with the machine. I print pla and abs down to 0.1 mm layer height. The only complaint I have is that its noisy. I have not compared with other printers so I don’t know if other printers are as noisy. It’s a big, very sturdy and heavy machine +30 kg.

9 days later

since January we own a creatr HS, no breakdowns yet, and the quality is very good.

it prints very fast.

but its not recommended to print at the promised 300mm/s there is no filament witch can handle speeds like that.

we print at 60 tot 100mm/s this will give good prints.

It’s possible to print at 300mm/s … you only need to set the temperature of the nozzle higher so that it can follow the speed. (and the fan on 100%) … I managed to print at 330mm/s with good results. It all depends on the details you want. I print for 98% with a z layer of 100micron. Speed varies around 100 til 160 for good details.

Thanks for you reply, I will try that, What nozzle temperature do you recommend for PLA?

It depends on your fillament, it’s trial & error. but I would start at 220°, I think that I ended at 226° when printing at 300mm/s. Also, every fillament gives other temperatures (different colors etc…) … just test it … - YouTube :slight_smile: