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Mar 2016

I’ll see how it goes. I added both the PO and physical address. Sometimes that works. I’d still like to update the address after verification, though.

In my case, if the current setup works, the updates won’t change much. Another option is to have a checkbox that allows a hub owner to choose to have the verification sent via UPS or FEDEX (or another non-USPS option). This could cost the hub a couple dollars, and would get around problems like mine, as the USPS doesn’t serve all addresses. All other carriers do serve my business address. They’d have to be able to leave the letter without a signature.

i could use my home address, but I like to do pickups and meetings at the business address, largely because sales tax is much simpler to calculate there.

Just wanted to say I think it looks great but I don’t know if its just me but when I click on ‘my orders’ on my iPhone 5s here in the UK nothing appears I just get the bottom of the webpage like in my screenshot?




Update looks good! Thanks! I have problem though: I am unable to upload pictures to my hub page. It would show progress but then says There was a problem saving picture or something. Also I noticed the counts for profile visits and search results are now reversed (on hub dashboard, when you hover the mouse over “i” at hub views section). Otherwise looking good so far!

@Brian “The fact that you offer pick-up very close to your Hub isn’t what we’re after”

To be quite honest in the nicest way possible, I’m not after someone showing up at my front door either, where I live, knowing I may or may not have expensive equipment there. Thus the off hub location that is not my house. The address system needs to be corrected for pickup location verification and not where you live.

Tried on following:

Firefox - Ubuntu 15.10

Firefox - Win10

Edge - Win10

No luck with picture upload so far…

All done and verified now, thanks :-). The postcard was nice too.

Are you planning to add any visual indicators to the hub pages (or a badge) showing whether a hub is verified or not?

Yes we’ll roll it out to more users over the coming weeks and once we have a fair distribution we’ll start showing it in the checkout.

Interesting issue…
I offlined my hub for the weekend because I was out of town… logged in this morning… set 2 of my 3 printers to “online” go back to my main dashboard… still have the notice that my hub is “offline” refresh the page a few times… goto a few other pages and back still “offline” click the link… takes me to the printers page… with all 3 of my printers set to “online”… had to re-offline the printer I never set to online in the first place…