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Apr 2016


Update looks good! Thanks! I have problem though: I am unable to upload pictures to my hub page. It would show progress but then says There was a problem saving picture or something. Also I noticed the counts for profile visits and search results are now reversed (on hub dashboard, when you hover the mouse over “i” at hub views section). Otherwise looking good so far!

12 days later
14 days later

Any news on expanding hub verification?

I’m seeing my hub get lower and lower in average search positions, despite getting more 5* reviews. I’m guessing the Level 3 hubs are verifying themselves increasingly often and are given higher weightings in the results accordingly. Nice for them! When can level 1ers expect the same feature? Worried that without it, progressing from level 1 becomes increasingly difficult.

Just setting a custom header banner and sig picture will increase your ranking alone. Hubs with default settings get lower ranked. This was actually announced by 3DHubs not too long ago… Also should elaborate on your description a lot more. Give more detailed descriptions of your pictures too and (not my design’s) should actually include the thingiverse link (or whatever site it was downloaded from). Also you should post a lot more pictures of interesting things that you think people would generally want printed (phone cases, toys, gadgets, statues) put details about the print in the description of the picture as well (layer resolution, material type, infill, etc.)

The wider roll out will happen in May, we’re currently ironing out the bugs. As its only available to a small group of Hubs we’re not (yet) taking it into account for ranking.

