I post you here the URL of the documentation for poste.ch webservices
(sorry, here, we are french speaking! ;))
I post you here the URL of the documentation for poste.ch webservices
(sorry, here, we are french speaking! ;))
I understand that in your case updating the address makes sense, but it does defeat the purpose of address verification, unless we make it clever in some way.
All done and verified now, thanks :-). The postcard was nice too.
Are you planning to add any visual indicators to the hub pages (or a badge) showing whether a hub is verified or not?
Yes we’ll roll it out to more users over the coming weeks and once we have a fair distribution we’ll start showing it in the checkout.
Interesting issue…
I offlined my hub for the weekend because I was out of town… logged in this morning… set 2 of my 3 printers to “online” go back to my main dashboard… still have the notice that my hub is “offline” refresh the page a few times… goto a few other pages and back still “offline” click the link… takes me to the printers page… with all 3 of my printers set to “online”… had to re-offline the printer I never set to online in the first place…
Hi @JATMN that’s annoying. Sound like an issue of caching or local storage, we’ll have @martijnarts take a look this week. Thanks for reporting it, should be an easy fix.
Still unable to view the order page on my iPhone 5s which is annoying when you need someone’s address at the post office which happened to me yesterday! Can you advise when this is being sorted?
@Filemon Are any decisions being made regarding the customer review indicator? As reviews are one of biggest factors to facilitate more orders I imagine there must be other users that want to keep track of this easier.
No, not yet. Although this systems will allow us to iterate a lot faster, It does take a few weeks (I wasn’t specific enough earlier). So will need a bit more time for this
I hope it is high up on the list. If you need someone to test it please let me know.
Brian, I have received my code and verified my address, and all looks good. I can leave the address as it is, as it includes both my physical address and my mailing address. It just doesn’t have the name of my hub, which isn’t terrible.
Oke, lets keep it like this for now and if you run into any issues just let us know! Good to hear the verification worked out!
Any news on a review indicator yet? Its getting frustrating to keep track.
Maybe you could let me know if it is being worked on or not?
We’re not working on this at the moment, but we understand the importance of reviews for Hubs. For now the quickest way would be to open completed orders in tabs once a week and remind the customers that haven’t reviewed you.
Once we roll out more status updates/notifications on the order page we’ll be able to show if an order was reviewed or not, but right now we don’t have the functionality to easily add it in. So please bear with us.
Any news on expanding hub verification?
I’m seeing my hub get lower and lower in average search positions, despite getting more 5* reviews. I’m guessing the Level 3 hubs are verifying themselves increasingly often and are given higher weightings in the results accordingly. Nice for them! When can level 1ers expect the same feature? Worried that without it, progressing from level 1 becomes increasingly difficult.
Just setting a custom header banner and sig picture will increase your ranking alone. Hubs with default settings get lower ranked. This was actually announced by 3DHubs not too long ago… Also should elaborate on your description a lot more. Give more detailed descriptions of your pictures too and (not my design’s) should actually include the thingiverse link (or whatever site it was downloaded from). Also you should post a lot more pictures of interesting things that you think people would generally want printed (phone cases, toys, gadgets, statues) put details about the print in the description of the picture as well (layer resolution, material type, infill, etc.)
The wider roll out will happen in May, we’re currently ironing out the bugs. As its only available to a small group of Hubs we’re not (yet) taking it into account for ranking.
Thanks, thats great news.
All good advice, thanks!
Ok! Thanks for the giant update guys!
Unfortunately, I’m a bit confused with the verification. First of all, as far as I know, I am still a “starter” level hub (in the United States). However, I am still able to verify my hub from the dashboard and the verification tab. I thought you had to be at the “intermediate” level to become verified. Is this a bug? Or is everybody now able to become verified?
I’m also having issues with the postal verification. I entered in my address and confirmed, but then the verifying button grays out with a spinning wheel. And if I refresh the page, the verification button lights up again, as if I hadn’t done anything at all. I’m not sure if the postcard request has gone through, or if I’m doing something incorrectly.
Any input on both of these problems/bugs would be great! @Filemon or @Brian, any suggestions?
Hi @Jackson277 Can you post any open questions you still have on verification here: Talk Manufacturing | Hubs? Thanks!