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25 results for@twiesner #3d-printers
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Sep '16
I would recommend purchasing some dyna-purge filament to keep your extruder clean especially when changing between filament types:
Mar '16
Looks like a under extrusion problem as shown in the simplify3d troubleshoot doc (
Jun '16
Have you tried re-calibrating you z-height? Proper 1st layer "squish" can make all the difference in preventing warping, or the print itself from comin...
May '17
If you live in the U.S. check out Microcenter. The powerspec ultra 3d printer is essentially a flashforge creator pro but rebranded and half the price...
Mar '17
I have an powerspec ultra. For it I keep a thin metal rod and a guitar string around in case of sever clogs when I print with ABS. The metal rod is to...
Jan '17
Does the filament stick if you print with rafts? If it lays down fine and stays down using rafts I would think bed leveling would still be the issue. A...
Jan '17
- has designs that are guarantee printable.
Oct '16
What are you looking for in a printer? Heated bed, precision, auto bed level, etc? If you are looking to get into 3d printing but have very little to n...
Oct '16
As everyone has already stated, re-level your bed. Between shipping from the manufacturer, to the store/warehouse, then transported to your home the be...
Sep '16
What version of the simple metal do you have? Is it a ref F4, F5, or a F6? Is the build volume set to 150mm on the x,y, and z axis? I've had it happen...
Aug '16
Not all painter's tape is the same. Some have poor adhesion compared to other types. Some have so much oils in them that as Sully has suggested it is b...
Aug '16
I have a powerspec ultra. Pretty much the same as the pro. You can use pet-g with it along with other materials such as tpu, abs, and pla. I don't reco...
Aug '16
I am thinking that if your rafts are not being laid down properly by the printer, then you may need to re-level your printer's bed. What is the printer...
Jul '16
There are cheaper printers under $1000 that can achieve the same quality as the printers that are over $1000. Can even achieve better results with a bi...
Jul '16
What type of printer are you using? My best guess is that your bed needs to be re-leveled if one side prints higher than the other.
Jul '16
Word of advice from another printrbot user, purchase Simplify3d. Cura was designed primarily for Ultimaker printers so the slicer algorithm and the con...
Jun '16
I've only had my Powerspec Ultra for a few months and have no issues with it. One thing I did notice right away the first time I tried switching filame...
Jun '16
Powerspec printers only support windows operating systems. You'll have to use the SD card in order to use the printer.
Jun '16
I can tell from the picture your layers are not cooling properly which may be the cause of your sticking issue. What material are you using and temp? I...
May '16
Can you push filament through manually? If you can then my best guest is the filament drive gear. It may have crude on it and can't grasp the filament...
Apr '16
If you want a simple plug'n play I recommend a printrbot play, Einstart, or a M3d. The printrbot play and M3D have small print bed volume. All 3 printe...
Apr '16
Define "slow print speed". It doesn't look the areas that you pointed out are not getting enough time to cools down before the next layer is put down....
Apr '16
Do you hear any clicking when you try to extrude the filament? If you do you may not be printing hot enough. Are you using the correct size filament fo...
Mar '16
I have the Chinese version of the flashforge dreamer. It is recommended for most FDM dual extrusion printers to split the design up based on the materi...
Mar '16
Can you provide more details or post pictures of your Marvin print? It is hard for anyone to help if you don't provide details such as print settings,...