Just got a 3D printer (Maker Select V2) about 3 weeks ago. No matter what I try the PLA never sticks. The printer works fine for small print but anything bigger than 50mm z,y, or z it won’t stick. Either an edge will be disfigured or the nozzle will drag the filament across the bed because the filament isn’t sticking.
Bed Temp: 0 / 50c / 55 / 70 - With Glue stick
3M Tape with bed at 55
3M Tape with bed at 0
I’ve gotten the best result with using the original bed at 0 temp with glue but for the most part PLA isn’t sticking 
For example the base for this print (GoPro Underwater Diving Handgrips by mryoungcollins - Thingiverse) printed out fine but the handles printed out about 60% of the height and at that point the nozzle just dragged the entire thing around 
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Switching to Aqua Net hair spray worked wonders for me. It remains tacky a LOT longer than glue stick. Also helped even more after doing the glass bed mod. I also recommend checking your bed level. Normally issues with prints not sticking it is because there is not enough ‘squish’ on your first layer. When printing, I have found that a starting layer height of .18 is perfect. So if you are doing a .2 layer height you want to have your first layer height at 90%. Also run with 0% fan for the first layer or two, to allow for better adhesion. I print at 210 with bed temp of 60.
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Aqua Net extra hold unscripted hairspray. Blue tape if you wish for easier removal. Make sure the bed is properly leveled and close enough to the head. Absolutely game changing with hairspray! I don’t use any raft or brim anymore - just print away.
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Are you using Simplify 3D or Replicator? I have done a few things to get mine to stick. The most important is the bed being level, followed by getting a good contact on the first layer. Make sure that layer is ‘squeezed’ onto the bed.
The thing that made the most difference though is switching to a glass bed. I just used some inexpensive glass from a picture frame, cut it to fit the table. You may need to adjust your table height sensor to get the table to stop low enough for the extra height the glass makes. I was able to use my leveling screws to lower the table enough to work. I just used spring clips to hold the glass to the bed, nothing fancy. I set the bed temp to 70 C, and use AquaNet hairspray on the glass. This has been the best combination to get objects to stick.
I hope this helps.
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As everyone has already stated, re-level your bed. Between shipping from the manufacturer, to the store/warehouse, then transported to your home the bed can become un-leveled. In addition, calibrating how far away the nozzle is away from the bed may be needed to get the proper first layer adhesion.
If you don’t think it is the bed level or the extruder distance then you could be printing too fast for the first layer. It is best to print the first layer half of the normal speed. If your printing at 80 mm/s then set your first layer speed to 40 mm/s or slower.
Another suggestion is to upgrade your printer and add a bed mod such as a glass plate, buildtak, or a printinz board. I use printinz boards with a little glue stick for large prints and don’t have any issues with adhesion. Plus I like the that the boards bend when I need them to to get the print off easier. I still occasionally use glass plates but lately I’ve been printing large designs and find it is easier to get them off the printinzboards.
If all else fails try brims and rafts.
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I’m using Cura for the slicing. Could add a pic to see that clips you’re talking about. I might get something inexpensive glass to try this hairspray out. I’m not to good with drilling holes in glasses (assuming this is what people are doing lol).
With the maker select, the bed is extremely sensitive to how it’s calibrated. Most likley, you haven’t leveled the print bed perfectly, and thus it’s causing problems. What I do to level is make make sure each corner at home position can allow a piece of paper in, but with a little resistance. You have to restart the printer and “Home all” the machine multiple times to make it perfect, but it should solve the problem.
Many of these beds also came bent at delivery. I’d seriously consider the glass bed upgrade. You can get them in Amazon for about $15.
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Just wanted to get back to everyone. Thanks and I was 100% sure that my bed was leveled but I guess it wasn’t :|. Silly me…
Anyways got the bed leveled and everything is printing beautifully 
I noticed that the far right side screw to lower the bed or lift the bed is never leved. I just basically took the nut off because for some reason that end is never leveled to the other sides… All screws are right no maybe the bed is bent… IDK…
I’m currently printing on the right bottom corner where the rest of 3 screws are perfectly leveled lol.