Hi . Im looking to get my first 3d printer . I was about to order a wahnao i3 plus but then was put off by some comments on them . So how about this one , HICTOP Reprap Prusa i3 3D Printer LCD Screen Self-assembly Model Cura MK8 1.75mm ( as my first printer) Its on ebay for £220 . Please help as i cant wait to get into the world of 3d printing .
its a hobby to start off with but in time id like to make a little money out of 3d printing , just enough to pay for its use and hopefully my next one later down the line .
Cheers Andy .
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Hi Andy,
Its not a perfect kit, but if you can/willing to make it a better printer and you have the time to troubleshoot and tweak it, go ahead and order it. If you just willing to print and not bother with the hardware too much than the Wanhao i3 will be a better choice, but one of the best I3 type printer is now the original Prusa I3 mk2.
What are you looking for in a printer? Heated bed, precision, auto bed level, etc? If you are looking to get into 3d printing but have very little to no technical know how, check out plug n’ play type printers. They usually take very little knowledge to maintain and to get up and running.
You can check out 3d hubs printer recommendation list: Best 3D Printer Guide 2023 | Hubs
Or compare printers based on specific features you may be looking for: Best 3D Printer Guide 2023 | Hubs