I´ve got a Felix 3.1 Printer. My first print went really well. but now all my prints have these nasty errors and all my efforts are failing.
the marvin print for example has a smooth back, but the face is all clogged.
This Lamp has the same errors, i´ve marked them red, because after a while these borders appear at some places and cause the failed prints.
My settings are 190°C Extruder Temp. Slow print speed, and i´ve tried to reduce the extrusion rate from 100% to 90%
The Bed-Temp is 55°C
The last picture is my very first print it has nearly the same settings, it only was a little faster.
Some help is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance 
Define “slow print speed”. It doesn’t look the areas that you pointed out are not getting enough time to cools down before the next layer is put down. I would recommend printing slower for the marvin than what you are printing now. Also try printing with the bed temp off and on painter’s tape instead. Otherwise get a small fan to blow air gently onto the print.
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slow print speed is 30mm/s. there is already a fan blowing onto the print, I think this is the reason why the left side is ok and the right not, because the fan is blowing on the left side.
But thank you very much, i will try to print even slower
I should rephrase that. I did mean a second fan to blow air onto the print. For my printrbot for tiny prints, I have this type of fan propped up in front of my printer: http://www.amazon.com/Thermaltake-Mobile-External-Cooling-AF0007/dp/B002OJN250?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref\_=oh\_aui\_detailpage\_o08\_s00