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Aug 2016

Have been trying to print several parts recently with rafts but for some reason not every part will get a full raft so when it goes to lay the first proper layer it fails because the nozzle is then too high due to no raft in certain areas. I am using Makerbot Desktop (latest version as far as I am aware) but cannot work out how to stop this from happening. The parts I am printing involve tubes so I am not prepared to print with supports as this would most likely also ruin the prints. Any ideas? I am not savvy with changing g-code etc so if that’s my only option please walk me through it like the noob I am. Thank you.

  • created

    Aug '16
  • last reply

    Aug '16
  • 4


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  • 5


I am thinking that if your rafts are not being laid down properly by the printer, then you may need to re-level your printer’s bed. What is the printer you are using with the Makerbot Desktop software?

I would also recommend trying other slicer software such as cura, slicer, simplify3d, etc to rule out makerbot software as the cause.

Can you also give more details on your print settings? Temp, material type, heated bed, etc?

Post a screen shot of how the part is oriented. I am guessing you have it laying down flat. If you do a print preview, does it show more raft than what’s printing?

Try turning the part 180 degrees and see what happens. If the raft moves 180 degrees also, then your part may not be completely flat on the print bed.