If you are choices are between the two, then definitely get the Makergear. It has a 8x10x8 build area, much bigger then the lulzbot. I just recieved my M2 this last weekend and I have had no issues with printing my first ever parts. I love the thing
Hi @Johnic ,
What do you want to do with the 3D printer? What’s most important? (Customization, Plug’n’Play functionality, print quality etc)
July 19, 2016, 2:43am
I’m looking to use it for hobbie build stuff. RC cars, RC planes and Heli as well as odd printing. I’m lookimg for a reliable plug and play with little tinkering. I also like the zortrax m200 if already in the 2k price range. Any thoughts about Zortrax?
If you are choices are between the two, i also definitely get the Makergear. But i think you can also to consider more other 3D printers?
The Makerbot and the JGAURORA may be you can also go and have a look, the makerbot is a famous brand in 3D printer, and the JGAURORA is a brands be found in 2009, both of them has their own advantages.
The makerbot is an overpriced piece of shit. It is one of the least reliable printers
There are cheaper printers under $1000 that can achieve the same quality as the printers that are over $1000. Can even achieve better results with a bit of tinkering and minor upgrades.
A wanhao printer has good reviews from people. Some beginners like the Monoprice printer. Printrbot simple metal is a good printer for learning though it does have a smaller bed size. But if it is bed size you are looking for go with the Makergear.
Also I would recommend checking this site out: 3D printer catalog: Over 2,300 3D printers to choose from . You can compare printers within your budget range. Not all available 3d printers are on the site but a lot of the popular ones are.
Okay great. Have you ever heard of the Wanhao D6? It’s a Zortrax M200 clone, good quality & half the price
The makergear is a top notch product. The support is excellent.
July 19, 2016, 3:11pm
The WANHAO D6 - ENCLOSED BUILD CHAMBER is interesting. But I’m always leery to buy a clone. I feel cloned prob use cheaper parts to get it done. I watched a bunch of vid on the zortrax last night and liked what I saw. I don’t have time to tinker or fix, with two young kids. All I want to do is hit print and walk away.
The quality of the zortrax is amazing. Granted I can’t use pla or a flexible sucks but I did hear you can mod it to do it which I can a later date if I choose.
Anyone hear have experience with zortrax ?
Clones are usually built with parts from china. I have a flashforge clone (powerspec ultra) that is made from parts sourced from china. Printer works wonderfully and gets better quality than what I’ve seen with an actual flashforge. All I’ve done to the printer was add a PrintinZ board and re-level the bed. Mind you, that the powerspec I don’t recommend for beginners as it is a dual extruder.
I’ve actually heard bad things about the Zortax. Mostly they have terrible customer supports in addition to what filaments you can use.
July 19, 2016, 3:32pm
Bummer about support ! That could be a deal breaker for sure. I spoke to maker gear folks for a while and they seem great.
Makergear is FAMOUS for their support. They are very serious about it.
July 19, 2016, 4:42pm
How’s the reviews on “Up Box” printer
July 19, 2016, 6:51pm
I’m new to 3D printing. Is the setup and software for the maker gear difficult to get the printing correct. Simplified 3D easy to use and setup the print?
Simplify3d comes with presets for the supported printers so yes it is easy to use. You just need to select your printer profile in the setup and you are good to go. You can change material and layer settings in the process profile and the software takes care of changing print settings accordingly.
The software also comes with extra bells and whistles for advance users.
Main issues with any new printer is getting the first layer adhesion correct. This may be a mix of adjusting the bed, temp, and print speed.
July 19, 2016, 7:20pm
I’m now confused between the Zortrax and the Makergear. I guess both have there positives and negatives, I think at this point (pint) Im looking at who has the best print quality.
Makergear can achieve up to 100 microns while the Zortrax can achieve up to 90 microns.
Print quality right out of the box isn’t a given. To achieve excellent print quality will acquire tweaking of the machine and good print settings
July 26, 2016, 5:39am
What’s everyone’s thoughts about the Cubicon Single compared to the Zortrax M200