There should be plenty of 3D hubs vendors that have z18s no?
Hi Michael (Muckychris here - LOVE the Maker Depot!!!) Anyhow - I’m printing one now for 3D Hubs Charity. I did put $5 as a shipping cost and it was paid promptly.
Yup - this is the nasty truth of Flashforge and ctc makerbot clone machines. Even if you run at cooler temps in time you will need to replace these tubes. Its a drag for sure.
There is every reason to upgrade to sailfish and no reason not to that I can think of. pause at predetermined z position change speed mid print change temp mid print and few more.
Summing up earlier comments. CTC is the Toyota Corolla. It is great price for basic solid service, is reasonably reliable, repairs are cheap and widely avaialble.
I’m using 4 Makerbot Rep2 and 2x machines for prototyping - along with 8 CTC/Flashforge machines for production. I see the reason for CTC showing so high is: The existing wide user base (based on open source Replicator1, Flashforge etc machines). Wide supply of replacement parts and knowledge bas…
Very nice solution. I create one on Tinkercad too.
I can’t agree with you. I have 4 machines without sailfish and get more instances of the “garbled lcd screen” on those vs 8 machines with sailfish. Unless I misunderstood you.
Something like this is a good cheap start.
this is pretty common.it’s something to do with shielding the cables and display i’ve heard. it is resolved with a restart once print is done. happens to my machines about once a week randomly.
At $2.99 they hang around for a while - slow sell. At $1.99 they move quicker. Have a great day. If there were a supplier that offered $2 return off next purchase I’d happily use it. (I have 9 machines running 24/7 and go thru a lot of filament)
I sell mine on eBay.