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Apr 2015

Just for safety’s sake, please be careful when hanging potentially flammable things on top of your ( borderline safe) printer. 1kg of plastic will produce more energy then 1kg of gasoline.

Gotcha, that makes sense! I’m going to measure the dimensions of my makerbot replicator later today and laser cut some acrylic for an enclosure, would anyone want me to post the Adobe Illustrator files so they can also use them to laser cut?

Thanks for the advice guys. I’ll look at making my own methinks.

13 days later

Hey, so the shielding I made fits the “CTC-3D” printer. I have three adobe illustrator files, a front panel, side panels, and then a separate panel that has room for a fan mount for a 12V fan for when I use PLA. They are all blank and have small holes for the mounting scheme I have developed. Do you still want them? I could also send the dimensions as well.

9 months later

Hi, any chance you could send me that file please ?! I’m in the UK and no one sells enclosure kits and would not be cheap to get a pre made one from the states. Thanks

I’ll check today, I made the front and sides so they are somewhere on my computer. The top part of the enclosure I bought … so I’ll have to check to see if I ever received those files.