Customer perspective here: WHY on Earth should I be required to upload a design before I’m able to browse local hubs? What if I want to research what’s out there BEFORE I start my project? I find this infuriating…
Hey 3D Printing Community! My name is Brian! I’m a young teen, and I look foward to 3D printing… If I had a 3D printer
So if you guys could help me out and convince my dad that this isn’t just a “toy” I would appreciate that! He thinks of it as just another “toy” but I see it as a new way to share …
I am pleased to show you my first 3d modelled and printed project fairy/elf door in REAL wood Excelfil filament! Any suggestions and or critique welcome How To Make A Real Wood 3D Printed Fairy/Elf Door - YouTube
Top/bottom layers will only cover the portions of the model. An example is the letter O, if you print this with 2 top/bottom layers it will not fill in the center of the letter. Also you could also just reprint your part with top/bottom layers and see the difference
Hi Floris! You have come to the right place! That is something many hubs could help you with…including mine (https://www.3dhubs.com/service/3drapidprints). You can also search for a hub yourself (not all hubs monitor Talk). Click the red “Start Manufacturing” button at the top right of the screen. …
First thing I see is why are you printing a .08 layer? Go back to a .2 layer and get things dialed in. You can also slow down some. It looks to be under extruding. Is the part cooling fan on?
Probably the best bet and especially if they are small is to print two halves and glue them together. This would give you the best print probably. Another option may be to print them standing up but bed adhesion could be tricky and you may also need a small size nozzle to get good definition.
Check out your local libraries, quite a few have 3d printing. Also look for makerspaces in the area.
Hi everyone, I printed two parts of marvin and they look a lot better now. [img_20170428_142556.jpg]
Hi @Brian_Luu, here’s some arguments to throw your father’s way. #1 - 3D Printing is a massive learning experience and the technology is becoming more and more common in all sorts of businesses; learning now could give you a substantial step up for later education (a lot of students use 3DHubs to p…
Fusion 360 for me for home use. It’s actually free as long as you’re not making more than $100K a year from it’s use. I think it’s really nice software, especially for free. I come from a SolidWorks background and what that software can do compared to the much more expensive programs like SolidWorks…
first figure what you pay for filament and convert this figure so it reflect your cost in cm3 https://www.toybuilderlabs.com/blogs/news/13053117-filament-volume-and-length so if you get spools with 1 kg on it and its PLA you have about 800 cm3 on it take the cost and divide by 800 and you have th…
When I receive an order I’m probably going to say something along the lines of “don’t forget ,after receiving the model, to leave a review! :-)”
These pictures show that you are printing WAY TOO HOT. On small objects, the layers are not cooling enough before the next layer is being laid down. This has to do with the time between layers. There are a few things you can do to help with this situation. Active cooling. A fan. If you do not hav…
Fusion360. It may seem daunting at first, but if you want to do real engineering design, you need to use real engineering software. Inventor is also fine; if you’re using it for 3D printing, either software will work. Fusion360 has an advantage when it comes to CAM, and Inventor has the upper edge …
Look very closely at your prints as they happen. Get a chair. You say " Apparently, I think that it builds up on the nozzle and falls " OK, if this is what is happening, the question becomes, where does this extra plastic come from? If you are extrememly overextruding, then the nozzle is picking u…
z distance on first layer.
When it comes to warping and not sticking to the bed I sometimes will build in a layer or two thick, circles at the corner edges of my item to help hold them down. Imagine something like a coin laying down at the edge/corner of the base of the print. I will make them so they are easy to cut away.