I just joined and want to figure out if there are formulas to define the price / cost of printing to be set in the settings to be able to open the hub.
I do not understand how to define cm3 - micron and all that follows after defining the printer used and the material
Ciao a tutti,
mi trovo in difficoltà nel definire il costo/prezzo per la realizzazione di un dato modello nelle impostazioni qui del mio account.
Ho 3 stampanti differenti, seleziono la prima e scelgo un materiale (es: ABS) però poi i viene chiesto i micron e i cm3…come determino questo costo fondamentale per poter aprire anche io un mio Hub ?
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first figure what you pay for filament and convert this figure so it reflect your cost in cm3
so if you get spools with 1 kg on it and its PLA you have about 800 cm3 on it
take the cost and divide by 800 and you have the cost for each cm3
put that in “Sliced volume (per cm3)”
startup cost or “First print (per print)”… that one is harder… as it will be whatever you charge to lift your fingers and the first print…
it was more easy before as startup cost was just that with nothing else included
i figure it by open a new window and look at my hub…
under the reviews you see the cost for printing one marvin figure in difference sizes… play arround with the startup cost until you are ok with it
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If you have the price per cm3 you can add your energy cost (and printer cost, if you want).
Usually a print in a higher resolution will took longer, uses more electricity, so you could adjust the prices for different layer sizes.
As a practical example to find the correct …
I use the filament of Ultimaker on my Ultimaker 2.
The stranded costs me about 40 euro and 750 grams of material with a diameter of 2.85mm
So if on 1kg = 800cm3, 550cm3 = 750gr?
40/550 = € 0.07 cm3 correct reasoning?
I have estimated that the cost of the printer hourly energy is 0.23 € and then the heat that I need to enter is 0.07 + 0.23 = 0.30?
I set the 125 microns, in these two cells and what I post?
But the value I have to be able to define must be in relationship with marvin model?
thanks for your help.