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Nov 2016

I would try Blue tape (3M brand). When you apply the blue tape to the print bed take a paper towel and gently wipe the blue tape down with

isopropyl alcohol. This really works!



What’s the software you’re using? you need to decrease the raft to model spacing a little bit (I would say set it to half of the layer hight you’re printing, like if you’re printing .4mm then set the spacing to .2mm) and print the first layer slowly (like 10mm/s or lower). PLA doesn’t need a heated bed and it should print just fine.

Check that the bed is really the temp it says. I had one go bad recently and read 45c lower than the actual temp and PLA parts were coming out like rubber.

These pictures show that you are printing WAY TOO HOT.

On small objects, the layers are not cooling enough before the next layer is being laid down. This has to do with the time between layers.

There are a few things you can do to help with this situation.

Active cooling. A fan. If you do not have a fan on your extruder, you want to get one. IN the meantime, get any fan laying around, and aim it at the print.

More printing per layer. Add a bigger object or more of these objects, and print them all together. This gives more time for the layer to cool.

Lower print temperature as much as possible.

Increase your cooling setting in your slicer. This makes your print take more time between layers.