Does anybody experience this? I get chunks of plastic that fall into my work. Apparently, I think that it builds up on the nozzle and falls of. I looked online at possible setting changes for this and found nothing. Maybe I am not looking in the right spot though.
Several times on printers here and printers brought in for free repairs. “The guide” has a section on this as well Print Quality Guide | Simplify3D Software 23 In general you have one of three issues all resulting in filament not freely flowing through the hotend. Even if your prints look fine. 1) Extruder issue, it needs to be cleaned and tuned, 2) hotend issue, it needs to be cleaned and tuned, 3) print setrings, to hot or fast, they need to be tuned. Easiest solution is to clean the extruder and nozzle (or replace the nozzle) and then tune the filament to your printer. Talk Manufacturing | Hubs 13
Look very closely at your prints as they happen. Get a chair.
You say " Apparently, I think that it builds up on the nozzle and falls "
OK, if this is what is happening, the question becomes, where does this extra plastic come from? If you are extrememly overextruding, then the nozzle is picking up plastic from your print, and when it gets to a certain weight, detaches from your extruder and falls off.
It might also be that your nozzle is leaking. I had this once. The nozzle was loose. As pressure pushed hot filament around the nozzle, it would leak out of the top of the nozzle, and then eventually melt and fall on the print. It was so subtle, it took me awhile to see that was the problem.
It would also help us greatly if you further described the issue, your printer, your hotend type, and pictures. If you have a microswiss hotend for example, then it will leak if you tightened it improperly, and broke the “break point” in the middle of the hot end, and it can leak from there. I would be extremely easier to analyze if we could see pictures of the chunks.
Also, is this something that just started, or is this a new printer doing this, etc…
Its a new printer. Or at least only 2 weeks old. I am using a fusion3 400 with simplify3d as the slicer. It picks it up as it is extruding from the print. I see it do it!
You can see the material that came off in the picture I provided. The “chunks” that fall off are somewhat dark, probably because being on that hotend for that amount of time.
I THINK this is overextrusion. The extruder is extruding too much plastic. When your extruder drags over the previous layer, it is dragging through it, instead of printing on it…
Likely, it gets a good lump, then deposits that lump.
Print a solid cube. IF the cube is humped, you are overextruding.