What does this blog post(Hubs: From 3D printing to manufacturing | Hubs) mean for us with hubs? Does this affect hubs that are in the Manufacturing Partner pogram currently, ie what was called the express checkout previously. I also see it mention value or lead time. So now does that mean its a ra…
Now that the options for express checkout are value or lead time it seems that pricing is now a race to the bottom. Seems counter intuitive to the reasons we were given for express checkout happening. It just becomes a game of who can keep lowering their prices until you are printing at filament co…
Did something change with the hub profile pages? I don’t see a button anymore to see more reviews. It only shows the last 3 now.
I never saw this mentioned in the changelog but noticed it in the guide Knowledge base | Hubs When instant order started it was only for items 250cm3 or less. But it looks like that limit has now changed to 500cm3.
I typically dont complain about changes. But this one seems like a terrible idea. I understand wanting to make it easier for order to be placed by customers. But there’s a reason for order review before acceptance and payment. Some people aren’t well versed in 3d printing and will submit something …
As mentioned on a thread in Reddit 3D Hubs is no longer running the files through Netfabb during upload. This is something that should have been listed in the changelog for us to know. I have got a few files lately that could have really used it. You can use the microsoft fixer at https://tools3d.a…
I notice that when a user goes to get something printed in the 3d print page it shows the exact location of the hub. Yes its a green circle but the center is the persons location. Im wondering why the map is even shown. Can it be removed or become greater than a 2 block radius and not centered on m…
I do not recall seeing this mentioned previously. Now you can create a custom hub URL. I picked 3D Printing Service Milwaukee, WI | Instant Quotes Online | Hubs for mine. When at your dashboard click settings. Its under your hub name and above the description on the page.
I was wondering if there’s any improvements planned on making the site run faster. It seems to be real slow quite often. Yesterday it took an unreasonably long time to download a customers files to start printing.
Just got the email on new shipping changes starting next week. So we now get penalized for accurate shipping estimates? So basically we just need to add a shipping that says 1 day shipping but price it so high no one ever uses it to be ranked well? What might be next day shipping to one location c…
Does the order system adjust the cost based on different material density or does it assume everything is the same density? An example is ABS is 1.04g/cm^3 but Proto-Pasta Magnetic Iron PLA is 1.8g/cm^3
My hub views reset to zero and I don’t see many hubs if any listed when searching for a place to print @Brian, @gabriela3d
I went to my dashboard today and got the message that I needed to complete my profile. My specialties were gone and I dont see the same ones available anymore.
I have been getting delayed notifications lately. Sometimes the text msg comes hours after the email, or the otherway around. Im wondering if anyone else has these issues or if its just my phone/carrier
Why didn’t you say that to begin with? A 0.25 nozzle is going to require a lot more pressure to push filament through the nozzle. You need to slow down your print speeds a lot. Put back a 0.5nozzle and see if that solves it.
Could you attach a picture showing it fail after two layers? when it autolevels do any of the corners deflect down? Maybe the nozzle is dirty and autolevel not working correctly so first few layers too close causing filament to grind.
Are you using the default cura profiles? Sounds like retraction might be set to high. You can always call tech support, I believe they are 24hrs
You are incorrect. The express checkout is USA only currently. His hub is not in the USA.
You only have 4 colors. Look at the report 3dhubs puts out about most used colors and such and try to keep the main colors stocked. 3D printing trend report | Hubs
Just apply the glue to a larger area before printing
Looking at the product page I did not see any specifications with operating temperature listed. Might be a good idea to contact the company and see if they have any of that information available. You could also move it to a warmer location and see if that solves the issue.
I do not know of any printer that is also a 3d scanner. they both operate completely different and a good scanner is way more than 2k
It looks like z-banding, check out this youtube video and try the mods to improve it Z-Banding Fixed! - Improving the MP Select Mini - YouTube
yeah still use the paper for nozzle height. Another thing to remember with the paper method is you want to feel slight resistance when pulling and pushing the paper. But not enough that it causes the paper to bend when pushing.
I have a Lulzbot Mini and it was quite easy to setup. Once it was out of the box it was printing a perfect rocktopus right away. The one benefit over the ultimaker 2 go is the mini has a heated bed. Also you can get a refurbished model from lulzbot for 500$ off, at 750 its a great deal https://www.…
That seems about good for a speed. The settings I use show the same print time for my printers
This document says 3 outlines DocSend
I think its actually 25% and 3 outlines. Use your slicer program, using print weight of material then convert that to volume by dividing estimate weight with the density of material(although this is dependent on what you are telling the slicer the density is) Heres an example using abs with a dens…
It looks like its because on the select a service page it is assuming you will want 200micron height. but then on the page after selecting a hub it shows what the price starts at, which is you 300micron price since thats lower. But if you were to select 200micron in dropdown it will match the previo…
3d builder included in Windows 10 also works for repairing models. For rhino there is this page with some guidelines -Online 3D Printing Service | Instant 3D Printing Quotes | Hubs I thought there use to be a similar page for sketchup but I have been unable to locate it.