Does the order system adjust the cost based on different material density or does it assume everything is the same density?

An example is ABS is 1.04g/cm^3 but Proto-Pasta Magnetic Iron PLA is 1.8g/cm^3


Great question! Should we be pricing materials accordingly? Since 3D hubs doesn’t offer fractional pricing it’s hard to charge per cm3 for a 1.04 1.25 and 1.32 density material. ABS PLA PETG.

Hi guys!

I think I know the answer to this… But I am not 100% sure, so I will forward this question to our in house materials expert, who will no doubt provide a more comprehensive answer for you!



Hey guys,

No, we don’t have an option to price based on “material used”, you can rather price based on “Object measurements”. As the customer uploads the file we take in different measurements of that model and allow you to price based on those. One of these measurements is sliced volume - again, volume of the object, that was sliced with 20% infill with Cura. So knowing the differences in density you might want to adjust the price per cm3 of the object measurment based on material listed.

Hope this answers it

That kind of helps, But what is the density that you are assuming the material is when getting the sliced volume in Cura?