I notice that when a user goes to get something printed in the 3d print page it shows the exact location of the hub. Yes its a green circle but the center is the persons location.
Im wondering why the map is even shown. Can it be removed or become greater than a 2 block radius and not centered on my house.
How many hub owners have people come to their physical location to pick up orders? Out of 100+ orders I think ive only had a few pickups and typically I arrange to meet at a coffee shop or other fast food area near me. Most my orders are shipped.
I have never had someone meet at my house since I do not have a storefront and prefer a safe meeting point for me and the customer.
I simply think you should be given the option to choose. In my case, normally customers come to pick the pieces up (statistics on this would be nice, by the way), and I need to give them the exact address every time… it would be easier for me if the location was shown directly on the map. It depends on the Hub, but I will always support the offer of choice.
This is a very serious issue that 3dhubs continues to ignore. This is exactly the type of thing criminals will use. Craigslist, for example, gives you the option to “show on map”.
This is the type of thing that makes me consider quitting the hub. They safety of my location is more important than a print job.
Edit to say, I agree this should be an option. I think you’ll find 3D hubs is spending development hours and time on higher end print technology and larger companies/hubs. This leads to things like people without a storefront needing a simple check box (mask location) going to the bottom of the dev list which is under the never going to happen threshold. Just a theory.
Although I prefer for people not to come to my home, I do have a fair number of pickups so usually share my exact address anyway. As @Lucika29 says, it should probably be an option, not necessarily something completely taken away.
I’m not sure how “criminals” would use the feature; if the criminal fraternity were particularly interested in stealing 3D printing equipment there are easier and more profitable ways to do that than picking on individual Hubs with unknown resources
First, when you are the only house in a 1/4 mile then the map pretty much puts a giant X on the spot. I do not want my personal location advertised and this should be my choice.
Second, they can look at your printer inventory on here and see what you may have. Concluding that if you have money to spend on this technology what else do you spend it on. Then use the map to do a drive by if they are interested and see what it looks like. Never underestimate what a criminal will do.
Well, I’m not going to drag this thread into a discussion on criminal behaviour, but personally I feel no risk at all associated with my location being known. If someone wants to find me, I’m easy to find from a million other sources. If someone wants to target people with money there are certainly a million better people (and commercial premises) to pick whose wealth and potential prizes are more easily guaranteed.
I do agree that showing a precise location should be optional; that’s just a basic right of privacy. However, if you’re looking to sell 3D parts as a business, not revealing your business premises location could be a deterrent - I’d feel very uncomfortable buying from a company that wouldn’t share their address.
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