I notice that when a user goes to get something printed in the 3d print page it shows the exact location of the hub. Yes its a green circle but the center is the persons location.
Im wondering why the map is even shown. Can it be removed or become greater than a 2 block radius and not centered on my house.
How many hub owners have people come to their physical location to pick up orders? Out of 100+ orders I think ive only had a few pickups and typically I arrange to meet at a coffee shop or other fast food area near me. Most my orders are shipped.
I have never had someone meet at my house since I do not have a storefront and prefer a safe meeting point for me and the customer.
I simply think you should be given the option to choose. In my case, normally customers come to pick the pieces up (statistics on this would be nice, by the way), and I need to give them the exact address every time… it would be easier for me if the location was shown directly on the map. It depends on the Hub, but I will always support the offer of choice.
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