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  • Likely the worn out Idler wheel as stated already. Low heat or plugged or partially plugged nozzle hole, are 2 other possibilities.

  • Speed, 45mm, someone may have mentioned, but I don’t see it. On a large flat print like that 45, may be too fast. Having so much printed area, gives the lone first layer time to cool. And moving so quickly, it doesn’t have time to melt to 2 layers together. It also can stretch the extruded plastic, …

  • Mine generally runs PLA from 190 to 200, and 45 to 50, bed temp. Really anything between 190 and 220. Like JB said. Above 215 or 220, PLA gets soft and flexible, before reaching the nozzle, and clogs.

  • I put the z axis metal tab on top of this block zaxiszerostop.stl (5.94 KB)

  • Like everyone is saying. Flash it with Repetier. I would do that first, and get comfortable with the controls for a few prints. Then change the print head. Each upgrade makes the printer better and more versatile. Swapping the print head is an afternoon of fun, if you enjoy tinkering. Just make sur…

  • Learning the menus. What I should or shouldn’t change. Things like, being able to adjust the temperature on the fly, is great. Using exotics and plastics other than abs/pla is nice too. And replacing the printhead with a j-head seemed way easier to do, than any of the videos I watched.

  • Accepting the loss of warranty and flashing w/ Repetier was best decision I could make. It was a couple days learning curve, but now I can print with any filament at any temp needed. Installed a J-head and now I can use any size nozzle. XYZ has Proprietary everything, mediocre customer service. But…

  • On the XYZ it should be spring loaded. Almost all extruders I’ve seen are spring tensioned in some way. If not there should be some kind of adjustment.

  • Mine doesn’t jam yet, but there is squeaking coming from that exact area. It was making noise before I changed it to a J-head. The idler wheel is exposed now, and I can check that rather easily. Thanks

  • I purchased the chip. It had limitations. Like the preset default temps for PLA and ABS. It appeared you could change them in the bios program, but when the file loaded on the printer it was back to the default temps. After realizing the XYZ warranty and customer service, was all but useless. I flas…

  • I agree, XYZ customer service is not very helpful and slow, like waiting for grass to grow. Their replacement parts are ridiculously expensive. They do build a decent entry level printer. It is relatively easy to use. With sort of intuitive, but very restrictive software. Being enclosed is good for …