I really hate to bash companies but I would strongly NOT RECOMMEND XYZPrinting to anyone! They have TERRIBLE customer service, WORSE THAN COMCAST!
A little back story.I bought a XYZPrinting Da Vinci 2.0 Duo last Christmas. I have got to admit for the price of $650 it was a great buy! I actually up to 3 months ago would have recommended a XYZ printer.
SO my printer started having issues with the heated bed heating up. I contacted Customer Service in California and a few days later they replied to my time ticket saying to post proof of purchase, I posted the purchase receipt minutes after their fist reply. a few days later they reply that with a video to check to wiring that I may have disconnected wires. I am quite literate with 3d printers and already tried all the connections. Problem remained, I contacted them again and they said they will send me out a new heated bed to try, 3 days later they send me a message with the tracking number, 5 business days later I receive the bed and find out they sent me the bed for the 1.0, (the bed is about 2 inches to large). I message them and tell them the problem and they “kindly ask you to send the print bed back to us and purchase freight.” (I am selling the bed on Ebay if anyone is interested.) They send me the correct bed after about 7 days, problem is still remaining! I know at this point all that needs to be done is the firmware needs to be reflashed.
They say the only fix is for me to send them the printer and again ask me to kindly pay for freight ($150 across country) so I fall for it this time and send it. They say they will notify me when they receive the printer, 2 days after UPS notified me that it was delivered I had to repeatedly message XYZ to get a confirmation they received it. After about a week of no response I called them and theytold me they will look at the printer tomorrow that they will update me tomorrow, of course no response so I call and get the same answer. After 2 more weeks of calling daily, they know my case by my first name now, they send out my printer. I receive the printer in worse condition then I sent it to them, plastic is chipped and broken and the carriage is completely broken in multiple spots. They claim its my problem until I threatened to sue them because the printer is under warranty and they kindly send me a shipping label to send the printer back to them. They said they would send me a new printer when they received mine, They received it 2 days ago and no response. I have messaged them twice and called 16 times with no response.
I’m agree with you ! I have two da Vinci 1.0.a and once past most time in holland for fixe it to my home. Now I try too print after MAJ and all result is a big ball of abs on extruder.
very dirty material, 10 time for one good print !
Next time I buy ultimaker or zortrax ! Better quality and free filament!
I understand your frustration. My experience is very different because I did not have to make use of their customer support, so I can’t comment on that part. I can however say that the printer is good value for money and once I circumvented the necessity of using their cartridge system, there is little I had to complain about.
I think you have too much expectation for XYZ printer, they are not high-end products, the only reason we buy it is because of the price. I have 4 XYZprinting Nobel 1.0 and one Envsiontec Micro Advantage for my business, Envisiontec is much better, but the price is about 10 times of XYZprinting. If you can afford some expensive printer, maybe you should try some 3d systems, Envisiontec or staratasys printer, they have the best printer in the market.
I’m starting to think it is a industry standard to not have good customer service. I have dealt with MakerBot wanting me to pay $150 for them to tell me I need to uninstall Makerware and reinstall it and I have had to work with Stratasys at school, I can see where Makerbot gets it from.
I have heard that with 3D Systems you are lucky to hear a response.
ya, how do you like the nobel? I was thinking about buying one to gut it and make it into an open source SLA ala (littleRP.com 1) anyone heard if an open source firmware can run on it like the davinci?
To be honest, it is not the best SLA printer, it not as good as EnvisionTec or Formlabs, but you know, formlabs is 3000+ and EnvisionTec is 10K+… consider the price…it is really good. Print quality is almost same with form 1+, print speed is a little bit slow.
My da Vinci 1.0 was fine for a bit and then started to develop issues with printing. Very long story short, my printer began spewing magic smoke from the main board. I know that it happened due to the clump of ABS that I was trying to remove probably over-heated everything. I’m not going to get them to repair it (their service department sucks). I’m going to try and fix it, flash it and see if I can turn it into a truly usable printer (which it seems to have the potential to be). If all attempts fail, I’m going to re-task the drives and build a laser engraver with the parts I already have. I’m NOT going to buy another proprietary POS XYZprinter.