Is it possible to get it more boiled down by request? For example I would love to see “Most Used Technologies” only on the swedish market.
It would be interesting to see some kind of statistics about how many orders that are made for SLA/SLS/FDM printers. I’m using 3 x FDM printers from “small” scale like Prusa i3 MK2, to larger scale (gCreate gMax and Zortrax M300) also using a Form2 for SLA prints and considering a SLS printer, altho…
Ive never worked with SLA before I bought the Form 2 (although I have 6 years experience with FDM and jetting printers). The Form 2 has been a breeze to work with, I can only recommend it! Everything with it is just well thought of IMHO (and compared to other 3D printers), PreForm works great, the …
If you want to go the 3030 way, take a look at the Haribo edition! https://github.com/PrusaMK2Users/3030\_Haribo\_Edition Im printing XT-CF, PC, Nylon-CF, ABS, PLA, PETG, NGEN etc on my MK2s, without enclosure
I’m running a hub in Stockholm, printing with a Prusa i3 MK2, one gCreate gMax and one Cetus 3D atm. Thinking of getting a Form 2 since I want one but I would like to know how much of 3D hubs orders that actually a Form 2 would bring in? I’ve tried to search but I havnt found any good stats regardi…
I would start with adding 30% fan after the two-three first layers, 50% fan speed for bridges, and leave the temp. If you lower the temperature as well, and you get a good result, you don’t know if its the lower temp or the fan that made a difference. I’m always editing one parameter at a time.
I would assume that he prints with a lower fan speed like 30% since that’s what recommended for Colorfabb HT 100% on colorfabb HT will most likely result in layer splitting during print (depending on geometry of the model).
With all respect I dont think his bottom layer or the top part of the boat would look like it does if the issues he have on the front of the boat is because of over extrusion? Although PLA and Bronzefill (PLA based) handles overhangs a lot better than Colorfabb HT does (I’ve printed a few kilos wit…
Looks like a cooling issue, how much cooling do you use?
I really would like this feature as well! We just need the possibility to add a google analytics code to the hub page. That would be very helpful in promoting the 3D hub, a win win situation for all! +1 +1 +1
First image shows an under extruded top layer. 1. Make sure that your extruder is calibrated (so that you’re using the correct extrusion multiplier) 2. Print with more top layers 3. If you cant/dont want to print more top layers, in for example Slic3er you can set the top layer to over extrude a …
Thats normal! They are not 100% centered in that hole and are meant to be able to move around some. Try print the Marwin GCode again, but reduce flow to 95 on the LCD and see how that looks. What filament are you using?
It looks a bit over extruded, maybe try print at a lower extrusion Multiplier? And calibrate the extruder following toms guide for example: 3D printing guides - Calibrating your extruder - YouTube another tip is to join the Prusa i3 MK2 slack group which can be joined here: http://codehemi.com/ We…
Ja jag tycker ändå vi borde få till en meetup innan jul!
Ser ut som att jag dessvärre får backa ikväll, kom med lite för kort varsel (fattar inte varför jag sett det för ens dagen innan) Kan vara så att jag kommer befinna mig i stan ikväll och då tar jag mig förbi men kommer inte få med mig prusan tyvärr.
Fick precis en Reminder från 3dhubs, hade missat det helt… ska se om jag kan få med en polare också, ska jag dra med prusan?? Polaren har en liten reprap som det måste pillas lite med. Är det stängning kl 21 eller kan man köra ett litet 3D printing hackaton?
Any news here @gabriela3d ? I can give you a real life example here. I’m about to start co-operate with a company designing a product, I’ve helped them with printing prototypes but they want me to be able to send their customers to my hub for printing it. In this case it would be great if I could …
Skaffa en prusa mk2 med multicolor uppgraderingen
Svårt att hitta något lika bra för de pengarna. Ja sla verkar kladdigt helt klart… Jag stängde ner min fb för något halvår sedan men finns det några aktiva 3D-printing grupper så kan du ju posta datumet där när vi bestämt ett? Låt mig återkomma m…
Hej! Jag har skrivit ut protein-kedjor med prusan, så komplicerade former tycker jag att den klarar
En Form2 (SLA) hade varit nice som komplement, men jag tror att först i kön står nog en gCreate Max, för att få en riktigt stor printvolym. En Form2 för fin-detaljerade printar, en (eller två) prus…
Hej! Ja kanske ses på något bra ställe i stan och försöka få dit ett gäng iaf? Sätta ett datum om två veckor typ? Ja jag kör prusa, köpte mk2-kittet direkt, har Printat varje dag sedan jag fick den utan problem. Kom med i beta-gruppen för quad extruder uppdateringen och får kittet på måndag för mo…
Thank you! That’s closer to reality!
Nice work! I have to ask (if its possible to get an answer to this), but I can see my review there, for the Prusa I3 MK2, which is fun! But with the points 8.8? That can’t be correct, or some of my answers must have been wrong or I’ve misinterpreted it? Would it be possible to have a re-check? B…
Ja det kanske vore nåt, månatligen initialt? jag är väldigt aktiv i communityt kring prusai3mk2 men det är tunt med svenskar där
Känns som att det svenska communityt är rätt dött? Finns det några svenska hangouts/forum som är vid liv? Animate.se händer det inget på…
Would that be cool?
We have 99 hubs in Stockholm now!
Just throwing this out!
Hi! Ive got some reviews now after some orders where friends have ordered stuff, but at the moment I can’t even find my hub in the list? Whats wrong here? Could anyone see if you can find my hub (oneaday’s hub) if you type in “Örnbacken” in sweden as location? (thats my street), something is fishy……
I wouldnt say that my area is that populated with hubs, there are a few more but not that much, and my prices is pretty much down to zero now. I’m just starting to figure about if this is the way to take my 3D printing to the next step? Is the market ready? Best Regards P
I’ll just reply with a link to another thread: Talk Manufacturing | Hubs 800-2000 USD doesnt matter, the Original Prusa i3 MK2 is an option you should look at in that pricerange.
Yes they look the same, all comma everywhere. When adding filament types all I get to choose is a number, and then it says: SEK per print, so I cant choose what formatting to use really.
I’m not allowed to do that kind of formatting so that’s not it, sorry
I wish it was that simple hehe 145,60 Sek is 16,94 USD