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Feb 2017


I have a small Problem with my 3D prints. In the photos you can se in the front the overlapping layers does anyone know what the problem is and how to solve it ?0 It happens only with ABS and HT filament, PLA and Bronze filament are working perfectly fine.

It would realy help me out a lot

  • created

    Feb '17
  • last reply

    Feb '17
  • 11


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  • 5


Looks to be curling from too much heat build up. Drop temp by 5 degrees and try again.

Hi Fabian,

I must be using a little older ver. of the Slicer as some of the params I do not know.

I also use 0.2 mm for standard prints which is completely satisfying, not need to go down to 0.15, could be a result of your setting…
I’d start with adjusting the first layer until it looks like in the pic I attached should be like the left one or better smoother, yours is not even like the right one, which I define as bad adjusment.

See my prev e-mail regarding the points to check / change and once you are there, drop the temp to 260 and try again.

Take just any print and stop after 3 layer to check what it looks like until you get there.

Let me know how it works for you.

BTW, I never had to change the fan setting, as there are they seem to be just fine.

Also attached is a print done with 0.2 mm just for reference…This is a support test pic taken from bottom side and you can see the first layer and the diagonal is printed on support, see the quality of the right blue part