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Mar 2016

I’m withdrawing my entries. See comment bellow to know why.

I don’t have one design… but THREE :slight_smile:

The famous A-Wing that destroyed the Super Destroyer in Return of The Jedi:


Anakin and Luke Skywalker Lightsaber… with internal parts!. Build you own lightsaber like a true Jedi:


Life-Size Boba Fett’s EE3 Carabine. Chase the rebel scum with this powerful rifle (perfect for cosplay):

https://www.youmagine.com/designs/boba-fett-s-ee3-carbine-from-star-wars 1

So so so so so soooooo cool! Do you think it would be possible to make it a little bit bigger without changing the electronics?

Yep it would work without any problems.

Maybe the hole for the ultrasonic sensor could be too much large after scaling (not an hard problem to solve).


I would like to enter the competition with this model:https://www.youmagine.com/designs/head-of-yoda-a95a8e4a-146e-41c5-978e-c1c1c217fbed
Head of yoda that I modeled and printed .
I wanted to make a model that is detailed but easily printable.
Printed without support.
May the force be with you:)
yodaprint.stl (24.4 MB)

1_0_0.jpg 2 (1).jpg 33_0.jpg

One of my favourite Star wars characters is Count Dooku, especially the Clone Wars version, and I have been wanting to sculpt one for a while now, so here it goes. It was 3d sculpted using ZBrush and 3d printed on a Zortrax m200, then Hand painted using Vallejo paints!

The project was supposed to be a study after the original sculpt of Darren E. Marshall a challenge to see if I can make it look as close as possible to the original and a huge desire to have that sculpt in my office, I ended up learning so much from this project.

Make sure to check out my Blog for the entire project walkthrough

http://www.pixelophy.com/2016/03/count-dooku-study-sculpt-and-3d-print/ 2
Merged_Dooku_120mm.stl (69.7 MB)

Hi guy’s!

My entering for the competition is a designed by myself lightsaber. I wanted to do something different for this competition since it is my dream to one day work or participate in a star wars movie or project. The lightsaber consist of six printed parts and takes a total of four hours.

Design is my passion, with this idea in mind I’ve designed a lightsaber thats easy to print and very easy to assemble. So if you like it give me a thumbs up and the force will be forever in your favor!

The following link leads to the YouMagine page:


May the force be with you, always
deel1.stl (67.7 KB)
deel2.stl (45.4 KB)
deel3.stl (78.3 KB)
deel4.stl (40.3 KB)
deel5.stl (22.7 KB)
kern.stl (14.1 KB)


Do you think the sole reason to enter a competition is to win? I’m here to learn, share my experience, meet new people, promote my blog, promote my hub and I can go on… and when I wrote that my “Zortrax was gathering a bit of dust” I was trying to prove a point, maybe I was to subtle (I’ll try better next time). I really hope you entered the contest and I really hope you win the Ultimaker this way you can stop worrying about people having too many 3d printers in the shop!

Lol it was just a joke. Who knows, you might have needed some more filament too :wink:

ill enter at some point, I was just trying to make something specifically for the competition rather than using an old model.

Lol it was just a joke. Who knows, you might have needed some more filament too :wink:

ill enter at some point, I was just trying to make something specifically for the competition rather than using an old model.

I created this 3D Printed BB-8 droid!

It is motorized and remote-controlled to move around and interact.

I’ve made the design in SketchUp, It’s printed half-size so it doesn’t take tons of filament. The robotic platform is Arduino-based so you can add programmable LEDs and sounds.

The video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONnFEvNyB_g


painting.gif printingbody.gif remote.gif

First my idea was too large and too little time to implement, so I said that the size dosn’t matters and I focus on utility. Too soon I have a ball and decided to make cufflinks for my shirt. I am a fan of Star Wars so of course the cufflinks will be the theme in StarWars. They have been printed with a layer 0.15 in ABS. Everyone knows that the biggest problem is just the smallest prints, so it was this time.

I hope that someone like them and surely someone will use them:)

falcon_clip.stl (8.2 MB)
title_clip.stl (164 KB)
yoda_clip.stl (18.2 MB)

Hey ! I am glad you like it :smiley:

I don’t really have time for that these days, but maybe after the competition.

My painting skills are not so good, so my model might look very ugly after.

Hello Simona,

I understand that the deadline on March 21st but is there a cut off time? If there is a cut off time, please let us know the time and time zone.

Thank you!


My friend and I decided to make the map to Luke Skywalker from “The Force Awakens.” Then we took it a dozen steps further.

To be clear, we didn’t print the map itself. We printed the flash-drive-shaped object that BB-8 carries around, but with space to fit a real flash drive within it. With this, we came to realize, “What good is a flash drive without a USB port?”

So then we printed a Star Wars themed USB port with over a dozen 3D printed PLA parts. The port is complete with a mechanical descending and lowering vertical port, plus a fully-functional mechanical iris door at the top. The Resistance can finally read USB drives.

Check it out:

Hi Simona,

Is there a specific cut off time on March 21st? You mentioned that the winners will be decided on March 21st so there must be a cut off time in order to give the Ultimaker / 3D Hubs team members enough time to go through all the submissions and decide on the winners.

+1 for NEW DESIGNS. Seems like someone is downvoting people all around and put you into the negatives. I really hope the judges totally neglect the votes. It’s creating a bad aura for the entire community.

I can’t promise it will be fantastic, but I can promise it will be a new model and not something that was an old project that gets thrown in the hat.