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128 / 180
Mar 2016

What a horribly ran contest. Simona obviosuly doesnt care with her copy and paste replies. Bad moderator. Heck there’s no moderation at all as you can see, she doesn’t even actively monitor this contest. I wouldn’t even be surprised they awarded the Ultimaker to a old design. 80% of these entries are old works made prior to this contest. 3dHubs you should be ashamed.

Hi K3,

I’ve read a few of your points which are totally right. I also believed this is competition is terribly ran. Maybe there should be a judging panel, rather than using up votes, as those who enter first have the most time to gain these up votes. I have already been down voted within hours of entering. How can this be fair?

They did say judges will be choosing the winners, but over half of the enteries are old works. If they choose a winner who’s just entered with their old works made prior to the announcement of this contest, I would have lost all respect for both 3DHubs and youimagine for sponsoring this abomination of a contest.

My entry is based on one of those hologram videos - It’s the holoprojector that Qui-Gon Jinn used and I parted it to print easily, the only tricky part to print are the 3 little legs.

I printed them in white and gave them a quick spraypaint to get them the right colour - you could also print them in gold and silver coloured filament, but you’d need to seperate the torus in the main stl file.

The obligatory ‘Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. you’re my only hope’ gif added to show its simple effect.
Hologram Projector.stl (5.16 MB)
Feet.stl (2.48 MB)

GOOD JOB! Someone that follows contest rules with new creations.