Thanks Jackson, indeed customers have been asking for shipping time and price indications per country, we’re excited to start showing that in the checkout from July onwards.
Thanks Jackson, indeed customers have been asking for shipping time and price indications per country, we’re excited to start showing that in the checkout from July onwards.
Hi @keebie81 thanks for the feedback. Indeed small and light items can often fit in small boxes, and the bulk of prints on our platform fall in that category. At the same time a really heavy print comes with a big price tag, so you could consider offering free shipping as extra service to the customer.
Having said that we’ll collect all the feedback and we’ll evaluate coming week if we want to add more functionality to support pricing by weight and size. For sure we’ll closely monitor how customers and hubs use the feature to continue to improve it.
As for the email notification, we’ve only notified 10% of our Hubs this Friday, so we can catch any technical issues early on. On Monday and Tuesday we’ll be informing the rest of the Hubs.
Shipping time means the time the shipping takes. Let me know if you have other questions or ideas on how to make it better (besides the size and weight pricing).
Hi Peter,
Thanks for giving your feedback and thinking along Peter! Of course we’re not trying to make it harder for you to run your business, we’re addressing a painpoint that many customers have expressed to us and is keeping them from ordering on 3D Hubs.
Some of the frustrations that customers experience with the current ‘legacy’ shipping is that they are unable to take shipping costs and time into account when choosing a Hub. Essentially they are comparing apples and pears. The fact that the total price of the order changes after they’ve placed their order isn’t the best experience either.
With the new shipping service we’re allowing Hubs to offer multiple shipping options per region. In the first version we’re not taking size and weight into account yet, as most prints are fairly small and light. However based on the feedback from yourself and other Hubs and the strong demand for weight/size based pricing we’ll get back to the drawing board and see if we can incorporate that, either before launch or after once we’ve collected data on how customers and Hubs are using it. Does that sound fair?
Perhaps allowing you to set max width, height, depth measurements and a max weight per option could solve a lot of the issues you’re describing.
Love to hear your ideas to make the shipping feature better, without making is super complex.
Thanks @PeterMake3D and @JATMN will check those out coming days!
Hi, I’m quite surprised at how violent this thread turned out to be. As I see it, the new update is not an insult but a step forward to a clear pricing in which the client is in control and knows from the beginning what to expect from each Hub. For certain countries like Spain (my own), this system is very useful since our national service Correos, priced by the gram, is shamefully unreliable and big international companies like UPS, FedEX and DHL are too expensive. My choice here is a small company that offers semi flat rates depending on the overall size of the package and urgency of the client, so I can make good use of this method. I’m tired of offering my clients all the options everytime, when they could have known from the beginning.
Peace out,
For me as well, pretty much all my orders ship at €5 locally. Size doesn’t matter and weight is from 0 to 2KG. So optimal for me to show the customers how much i will charge for shipping. It would be nice though, to include that the size and weight of the print could increase the nominal shipping rate.
Otherwise nice feature, 3DHubs!
Hi Pete,
Indeed the biggest challenges seem to be in the US. We’re adding States to the regions right now, so at least you’ll be able to set a estimated price per state so a bit more granular than just on country level.
You can also use the description field to manage the customer expectation, I think that will be very useful in preventing disappointed customers, we’ll make sure to show it to customers in the checkout.
At the same time we’re looking at estimating weight for prints, but that might take some time as we have hundreds of materials in the DB and we would have to estimate packaging materials somehow as well. At the same time predicting parcel size based on print dimensions is going to be tricky and fairly inaccurate as well. If you have time tomorrow it would be great if you can join the call with Jatmn so we can discuss these challenges, I’ll send you the invite so I can hear your ideas.