Test without tagging?
Hey Jatmn, we’ve only informed the first 10% of our Hubs about the shipping update yesterday, in order to catch any bugs or unclarities. We’ve already got over 100 Hubs updating their shipping within one day and it seems to be working alright, so on Monday we’ll inform the remaining 90% of our Hubs.
We’re also going to investigate further features to handle weight and size in a smart way, so stay tuned for that - we might even be able to include something before the July 1st launch based on your feedback.
I’m sorry that the “free shipping” option is insulting to you, you’re absolutely free not to offer it.
Thanks Jatmn for the continued support and for pointing out the pot holes, much appreciated.
Lets plan a call coming week so you can share your further insights, I’ll shoot you an email right now.
You might consider an API like Shippo as is has USPS, UPS, FedEx and DHL.
Also they give a discount on shipping rates.
I feel your now upset with me. It’s also my option to shut down my hub and take “my” customer with me. I might be a nobody to you and 3Dhubs. But I challenge you to find people in the industry who do not respect my concerns. I am very put unhappy with your snappy response to me and frankly will make this known.
I been using stamps.com myself but I dont think they have a API that I’m aware of