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Jul 2016

Hi @PepperNickel, you’re correct, the notifications we’re supposed to go out yesterday, but due to a technical issue we’ve postponed to Monday.

None of these verifications will take your Hub offline, so no need to worry about that. We’ll make sure to address the copy tomorrow and send our all notifications on Monday.

Thanks for the heads up, appreciated!


Hi @Monger, having verified addresses helps us to make the experience for customers more reliable. We’ve recently seen quite a few ‘fake’ Hubs put themselves in the center of big cities, then shipping orders from different places, that’s something we would like to get rid off and makes the platform better in the long run.

Hope you understand, sorry for the one week wait.


Hi @Enza3D, do you have a verified Paypal account already, that’s what we’re checking? If you do and still get an error, please make sure the First and Last name match with your Paypal account. Let me know if that fixes the error.


Hey @CatalystService, sorry for the lack of communication, we’ve got email notifications queued up to go out on Monday. Existing Hubs won’t be taken offline for not completing verifications, we’ll update the text on the page to reflect that.



My hub has not received any orders since this started…I was getting a few orders a week. Pretty sure this has effect my hub somehow, and the status shows as my hub will be offline until verification is complete.

Personally I feel the post card verification is a little much. I do not operate a business out of my home, thus providing my home address to people I’ve never met or had dealings with is a little much for me. All I know is complete strangers will now know where thousands of dollars worth of 3d printing equipment is, in fact they know the EXACT address of where the equipment sits. If I was operating out of a store front, I would have no issue with this whatsoever, but having complete strangers know where high end 3d printing gear is seems completely insane too me… but hey, what do I know. If postal verification is mandatory, then I will most likely stop using 3dhubs and start marketing on my own. I understand customers need to be protected, but that is already occurring based on the current pay out system. So please do not force mail verification… otherwise that’s probably the end of my 3dhubs venture. Just my 2 cents, Cheers

Brian, I don’t understand how this is even an issue? If the customers are receiving their orders as ordered then what is the problem? The current system, the customer has to confirm they received the print up to their expectations, so what am I missing here?? I would like to keep my home address private because letting complete strangers know where 5K worth of printing gear is seems a little nuts to me… Very likely I will stop using 3dhubs if mail verification becomes mandatory, and start marketing myself…

Hi @Brian,

I have a fairly old hub, I’d like to have it verified, but instead of mine, there is only the owner’s name on the post box. Is it possible to ask the post card to her name? According to the owner, the name on the post box can’t be changed (it’s a company’s name).




My Paypal account is a business account. Are you checking the first and lastname of the business contact name?