Hey @CatalystService, sorry for the lack of communication, we’ve got email notifications queued up to go out on Monday. Existing Hubs won’t be taken offline for not completing verifications, we’ll update the text on the page to reflect that.
My hub has not received any orders since this started…I was getting a few orders a week. Pretty sure this has effect my hub somehow, and the status shows as my hub will be offline until verification is complete.
Hey 3DUVic, thanks for thinking along. I agree that having your address verified then allowing you to choose a different but nearby pickup location would be a possible solution. I’ll look into it and see if this is really the best way to solve it and how we can prevent Hubs from choosing strategic pickup locations without actually offering pickup there.
Thanks Brian, That would definitely take care of any privacy concerns some hubs like ours may have. Looking forward to hearing if this is something that could be implemented. Cheers
I got my paypal verified now. Looks like it wasn’t enough to only have the account connected to my paypal account, but needed to connect a creditcard as well. Filled in my first and last name (business contact info) and the verification got an OK.
I would like to second the sentiment about people randomly showing up without previous arrangement. It happened 3 times to us and it was not pleasant. A 3d hubs help desk person suggested we use the address of our pickup nearby pickup location, which we do.
We are not, interested in auto handing out of our address. At all. That is the point of making the customer arrange a pickup. We do not ever want pickups from our house. And certainly don’t want someone showing up at any time of day because they want their print, no matter who is at home at the time.
I’d have no problem putting my address in and verifying it, if I was assured that it wouldn’t be handed out. We arrange pickup locations, that is the best safest and most convenient for all involved.
Any news on this? I live in an appartment and I have safety concerns too. I have public places within 500m of my location that I would be pleased to go to, to meet a customer. I just don’t want random people showing up at my place. Furthermore, my landlord wouldn’t be happy at all and I would like him not to think I’m into shady/illegal stuff.