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Aug '15 - it would help when ordering filament for a specific job, as spools are usually sold by weight, prime example is colorfabb. you buy a 1kg or 750g spool....
Jul '16 - I would like to point out there is a significant difference between trying to something on a stall, or sell a car, than someone backing out of an agree...
Jun '16 - To be honest I would simply test some different materials! Start of with the basic PLA, then ABS, and move up the scale to the more exotic like PLA-Car...
Mar '15 - hi, you can modify the volume of the print before they pay, to either reduce or increase the price, i have done this for a client who i quoted face to...
Jan '16 - I Also have 2 orders that are in this situation, im sure there used to be a countdown timer that showed the time until payout, could this be re-introdu...
Jan '16 - I like the idea!!, I also have about 6 spools with little bits left that I would love to use up.
Dec '15 - just curious to know, as every time i go to an open order a link pops up saying i need to enter my payout info and to "click here" i know my payout inf...
Oct '15 - Hi, I have just had a look at your CAD file, and i think 3D printed parts should be strong enough for your application! the main weakness when 3D print...
Oct '15 - 0.05mm I would say is fine…i print at this height a lot when the physical print size is very small. I have an Ultimaker 2 and it doesn't miss a beat at...
Aug '15 - if you printed this hook end on what weight would the layers separate at? it would also be good to see some tensile lab tests conducted, so yield, UTL,...
May '15 - Im just up the road in Gloucester, but would be up for a meet up in June! the Glos community is just as quiet…lol Let me know if theres any assistance...
Jun '15 - you want a low failure rate. The failure rate is how often a print does not finish (scrap part and have to start again), so if you had say a failure ra...
Jun '15 - What about adding Lazer cutting, Turning, Milling also as additional services?
Jul '15 - love the idea! is it going to be painted up when its finished?
Jun '15 - maybe design it as 2 dedicated parts, with an o-ring between the 2 for sealing purposes. and maybe a 3rd part to sit over the top to clamp together.??
May '15 - He has started popping up all over the place, from Facebook, to Schools, and even a few Museums! He is the Gloucester Rugby 2015 World Cup mascot, and...
Jun '15 - hmmm, these prices look fairly close to retail by the time you have added VAT on!
May '15 - Theres loads for sale on the famous auction site, piece of 2mm alu on top, and then some glass. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3D-printer-Heated-set-MK2-Alu...
May '15 - Hi gabriela3D, unfortunatly i was the 1st person to let francesca down! i current have about 30-40hrs works cued up on my machine and was unable to get...
May '15 - 1stly to get a price a 3D Model file is required! this is used to calculate parts volume that in turn is used to calculate the price. Do you have a Mod...
May '15 - I am probably just going a little crazy, but I cant seam to find a away of re-ordering the photos in my hub with out deleting them all and starting aga...